Wednesday Walk | Distancing in a Grab Car

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

There's many talks about social distancing and how businesses such as transportation are also changing in their way of bringing people around. I had a very strange experience just a few days back on this in a Grab Car who was accepted my ride. I was expecting to have the Grab driver wearing a face mask and even have hand sanitiser in his car but I wasn't prepared for this at all.


If you looked properly you would notice there is a sheer force field behind the driver's seat -> alright, it's not a force field but it's actually a full length plastic dividing the front seat of the car from the back. It didn't crossed my mind initially when I got into the car but after a while, I realised something strange.


It was then that I started to look clearly and saw the railings holding the plastic cover around the insides of the car. I have to say that I'm seriously impressed at the lengths that this Grab driver has gone to ensure safety for not only himself but the passengers that he's taking. Gotta give credit to him at being so innovative during these hard times. It definitely gives me the extra confidence, trust in him and being in his vehicle.


Here, you can see my reflection taking a photo of the railing 😆.
Have you encountered anything similar to this in your neighbourhood ? Do share with me because this is definitely a great Wednesday Walk experience for me. Something worth sharing about !

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That was a great way for him to protect himself and his passengers, I haven't been on any taxis or Ubers since the virus spread so I don't know what they do here

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thanks so much..
This is my first Grab car ride since the lockdown.
I doubt it's for all drivers just the paranoid ones

I just saw an article here that Uber has updated their software for drivers and they have to do a face shot live showing they are wearing mask before they are assigned a clinet

Oh wow !! That's good news but then they can remove it after the updating right...
Not unless they get the passenger to validate this upon giving their feedback

yes thats true they could put it on just for the photo, I wonder if they also validate it with he passengers as you say