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RE: The Silver Lining amongst fire and covid. hehe

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Wow! I am speechless just looking at your photos!

Looking at these photos I can actually feel the atmosphere, the freshness, the silence.

We love going to what we grew up with as Eastern Transvaal, now they call it Mpumalanga. In the mountains, there is a viewpoint known as God's Window.

Looking at your photos, it is even higher where you have been, but your photos create the same kind of sensation inside me as being at God's Window. Utter silence and peace.

It must have been just awesome being there.

I totally get @biggerjoe's desire to go back and see it covered in snow!

I am so happy for you guys to have had the experience to visit such a majestic place.


hehehehe yeah! I'm so happy that we got the chance to go!

And this particular place is actually going to be shut down for the next year and a half - soon! they will be doing road repairs to Granite Point - so that means people won't be able to see that beautiful look out over the valley!!!! for 1.5 years! wow!!!! hard to imagine that they thought this was a good idea to shut off that road completely ahahahah but - i guess they have to!

Yeah - joe wants to see it- but noooooooooooo not me hahahaha
i do not want to be driving in snow up there! LOLOLOL

its bad enough that we get it here! hahahahahahaa

God's Window sounds amazing!!! now we have to come to you so you can show us this! heheheh

Is it just that you don't like driving in the snow or is it about the cold? You almost sound like my She cannot stand the cold!

God's Window sounds amazing!!! now we have to come to you so you can show us this! heheheh

That sounds awesome! God's window is quite far from where we are now (a couple of hundred kilometers), but we can always make a plan, just depending on how much time will be available. But we have some awesome places we can show you closer to home too!
