Wednesday Walk: Optimism, Experience and Romance

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago


This walk had an optimistic beginning, and the continuation combined Christmas romance and the philosophy of life experience.

“All people can be divided into two parts” - a cafe sign near the subway exit warned me. I couldn't argue with that. But that's no reason to turn around, is it?


I continued my walk and went straight to the Christmas tree decorated with a five-pointed star. At this point I will have to stop to explain where I was walking.


I started my walk by the Narva Gate, near the Narvskaya metro station. This area was a working suburb, plants and factories were located here. The Red Triangle Factory occupied a vast territory and produced rubber products.

Warehouse galoshes at the factory in 1904:

The factory is currently closed. Part of the premises is empty and very picturesque destroyed. The remaining buildings are occupied by tenants. There are workshops, rehearsal points for young rock bands, warehouses for various purposes, shops, a photo studio, a climbing wall and much more.

One of the tenants found black rubber in the old workshop and built a Christmas tree. Someone else (or the same people) wrote this philosophical dictum on one of the walls:


“The essence of the exceptions in the features of the difference of a single diverse”

Try to translate it better :) I’ll even write a Russian text so that you can try: “Суть исключений в чертах отличия единого многообразного”.

I had already left the factory when I met this wonderful white bird. I can't tell if it's a goose, a swan or a seagull, but I think that it will worthily complete my story of this walk.


This is my entry for the #wednesdaywalk challenge by @tattoodjay and for the Make me Smile challenge by @elizacheng.


роскошно! и уточка, и кафе... и велик ваще.
как eye-catcher, срабатывает просто 146%

О, новое слово узнала! занятное:)

да это очень старое слово ))))
м кайфовое. забирай, дарю.