Certainly Sorcery

in ENTERTAINMENT2 years ago

Do you believe in the existence and working of voodoo? And it’s probable interference with human activities? Yes? No? I don’t know?
I’ll tell you a short story suggesting it’s reality.

In the year 2018, in a small area, all the way in West Africa, someone had an experience.
A young school girl alongside a number of her classmates went to work for their class teacher in her farm which was close to the school. At the farm, she choked on something in her throat and coughed for a long while. She needed a drink, unfortunately they came with none. There happened to be a stream close by however, and that became her savior in that instant. Thank goodness! Problem seemed solved, until she realized that she had suddenly gone mute. She opens her mouth to speak and they hear nothing. Unbelievable, I know right, same thing everyone thought, but it was real. She couldn’t speak for the rest of the day, the next day and the days following. Would you believe it was up to a month and some weeks before her speech returned, after several visits to various hospitals and churches too, as they were believers. Following the incident, investigations went on to unravel the mystery. It was later found out that a fetish woman who lived in the bushes by the stream had performed one of her fetish rites in the stream earlier that day and so it was off limits for that entire day. Ignorantly, the poor girl fell victim of the hex.

There could be another explanation, but none yet has been found, leaving the only one as the influence of some voodoo. That is definitely not natural human working, it has a supernatural marking to it, they believed and I think I’m going with that too. What about you?