Fallen Angel - Angel caido.

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Draw by fingers / Dibujo con dedo.

Regards! Today I present to you a drawing that I draw inspired by a fallen angel.

What is a fallen angel?

Is an angel who is rebellious, who follows his own rules and who does not obey the word of God, it is said that they were expelled from heaven for not believing in him and that they took off his wings, so I started doing my version of a fallen angel in a woman, but she recovered her wings and they are stronger than ever, despite having been banished from that place.

Saludos! Hoy les presento un dibujo que realice inspirándome en un ángel caído.

¿Qué es un ángel caído?

Es un ángel que es rebelde, que sigue sus propias reglas y que no obedece la palabra de dios, se dice que fueron expulsados del cielo por no creer en el y que le arrancaban las alas, así que comencé a hacer mi versión de ángel caído en una mujer, pero ella recupero sus alas y son más fuertes que nunca, a pesar de haber sido desterrada de ese lugar.


Process / Proceso.

When I started my drawing the face and hair were going to be totally different, but as I was drawing the lines on the sketch I liked the idea of making a short and light hair that had a lot of movement and changed a lot more things, as well as the features of her face.

Cuando comencé mi dibujo el rostro y el cabello iban a ser totalmente diferentes, pero a medida que iba trazando las líneas sobre el boceto me gusto más la idea de hacerle un cabello corto y ligero que tuviese mucho movimiento y cambie un montón de cosas más, así como las facciones de su rostro.


I start applying colors on top of the whole drawing, and then start adding highlights and shadows on a new layer.

Comienzo a aplicar colores encima de todo el dibujo, para luego comenzar a agregar luces y sombras en una nueva capa.


I start to blur all the colors and mix them with each other.

Empiezo a difuminar todos los colores y a mezclarlos uno con los otros.


Finally I just add the final details, more shine in his red eyes, some light surrounding his wings and a little more texture in the background.

Finalmente solo agrego los detalles finales, mas brillo en sus ojos rojos, algo de luz que rodean sus alas y un poco más de textura en el fondo.


Complete process / Proceso completo.


The materials i used were:

  • Medibang paint
  • My fingers

Los materiales que usé fueron:

  • Medibang paint
  • Mis dedos



nice drawing. could use some better forms on the nose though....

Thank you! I agree with you, it is difficult but it is something that I am going to improve soon. ❤️

good luck on that.... i hope you get better soon and we get see more amazing concept art

Estupenda ilustración Alexa, esta muy chevere .