Colorful Sparrow.

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)


Hello friends,

I don’t know why but I think that I can draw or paint animals and birds better than anything else. Maybe it’s because I like them a lot, especially dogs and cats, those who are considered to ne our friends (pets).

I can’t easily count how many throughout my childhood I had and met somewhere else dogs and cats. I mean like people meet new friends, you know, remembering their names and faces.

We didn’t just had different pets, we had different kinds such as cats, dogs, birds, and fish. I’m so happy I’m not allergic to them. Unfortunately one of my kids is allergic:-( So sad that my kids can’t experience this strong friendship and responsibility for having a pet.

My very first cat was very smart, his name was Tim, and he learned to do his potty needs in the toilet! I was about 5 when my dad brought him home. So weird, but I don’t remember him as a kitten, and I don’t have any photos of when he was little.

I remember how my classmate in high school gave a bird as a present. It was a green budgie bird Lora. She was an old female, that wasn’t too friendly, maybe she missed her old home. I learned to clean her cage and buy her food at the pet store, those were my chores.

Well, I guess it’s enough of talking about my pets. Let me share a step by step photos of painting.

It’s a watercolor sketch of a colorful sparrow. I also used black liner, to outline the bird.



It was fun to make this sparrow so colorful.



I hope you enjoyed the step by step photos.



Brutal bro, está muy bueno.

That came out really nice!

It's suspected that you followed a Youtube tutorial and if you did you need to cite these things, and also one of the OCA rules is

No Copies/Studies of Other Paintings/Drawings

so please keep that in mind for next time :)