in OnChainArt3 years ago

Hello everyone!

Angry Viking for a beer, that was my idea for this illustration, to reflect the aggressive and wildness of this character and thus give dynamism to the project as a whole corresponding to the four characters. Remember this is a beer label project for Sir Pieper that I did long ago.

The beer would be called Red Beard, that's why the idea of identifying the character with a dense and long beard that included braids and ornaments, a moving beard.

The method that I used for this project consisted of making freehand drawings and then improving them and transferring them to a more resistant paper to work the line with ink, the next thing was to digitize the image, clean some imperfections (for me) and proceed to the digital painting. Today I think could have worked on it more or I would change some things, but I suppose that is part of the evolution process.

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Haha that smile.. :D

the fearful grimace!!

Very cool!!!