💐🎨 Hina, a strange creature - Painting details with everything it has / Hina, una extraña criatura - Pintando detalles en su maxima expresión

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Okay, now that I think about it at that specific time I had entered many contests. It was mostly for reasons of income, at that moment I was just starting in my networks and did not know what else to get into. Aaaand it was a good practice to develop my skills more, today I want to present one of the last contests in which I have participated.

Okay,ahora que lo pienso creo que en esta época en especifico me había metido en muchos concursos,hehe. Fue mas que todo por motivos de ingreso, en aquel tiempo apenas estaba iniciando en mis redes y no sabia en que mas meterme. Eso y era una buena practica para desarrollar más mis habilidades, hoy quiero presentarles uno de los últimos concursos en los que he participado.


He... yes he, is Hina. A being of a very curious race, I think it was a little masochistic of me to have chosen him (for the amount of details and elements that he possessed) but he was the character that I loved more of all the options.

EL... si el, es Hina. Un ser de una raza muy curiosa la verdad, creo que fue un poco masoquista de mi parte el haberlo escogido (por la cantidad de detalles y elementos que poseía) pero fue el personaje que mas me encanto de todas las opciones.


This would be the original design, it looks so playful and adorable ❤️; it was a must to make an illustration of this friend.

Este seria el diseño original, se ve tan juguetón y adorable ❤️; era un deber hacer una ilustración de este amigo.



Sin título-1-01.png

To begin with the sketch is important... and here it received many changes; I think I had a couple of ideas about how I wanted the position of the hands and arms.

Para comenzar el sketch es importante... y aquí recibió muchos cambios; creo que tuve un par de ideas de como quería la posición de las manos y los brazos, y si mal no recuerdo la también pensaba en hacer si pose boca abajo.

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Here I was already sure of what I was looking for, although it doesn't seem like it, I began to turn the images upside down so that the pose was face up; but since I needed to check several times if everything was well made, I returned to the original view from time to time.

Aquí ya estaba más segura de lo que buscaba, aunque no lo parezca empezaba a voltear la vista para que la pose fuera boca arriba; pero como necesitaba chequear varias veces si se mantenía bien todo, lo regresaba al original cada poco tiempo.

Sin título-1-01.png

I apologize for not having a clean process of the skin and its development, apparently I focused a lot on it and I was melting the layers that the least I had was this ... upps; but another thing I liked was working with the background, a sunset (inspired by the works of WLOP) would be very interesting one, What do you think?.

Me disculpo por no tener un proceso limpio de la piel y su desarrollo, por lo visto me concentre mucho en ella y fui fundiendo las capas que lo mínimo que me que fue esta... upps; Lo que si me gusto fue trabajar con el fondo,un atardecer (inspirado de las obras de WLOP) le quedaría muy interesante.

Sin título-1-01.png

The clothes took my soul, there were moments when I questioned myself why I picked this character, with the most details of all... but one have to move forward. By the way, an extra, I have always loved and will always love his wings.

La ropa se llevó mi alma, hubo momentos en que me cuestioné por qué elegí este personaje, con los más detalles de todos... pero hay que seguir adelante. Por cierto, un extra, siempre he amado y siempre amaré sus alas.

Sin título-1-01.png

Lights and shines!! time for the golden details ❤️, I think the use of filters is noticeable at it's most... I'm just saying. I needed to make a point to focus and making the light of the sunset going on the character, I think was the best option.

Luces y brillos!! hora de los detalles dorados ❤️, creo que el uso de filtros se nota a lo mucho... no se, solo digo. necesitaba hacer un punto de enfoque y haciendo que la luz del atardecer se enfocara en el personaje, lo vi como la mejor opción.

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And now for the vertigo! hehe; I don't know, I think finding myself in that scenario would turn my stomach completely upside down. It was a very challenging character, from the pose, to the details, everything... but I think it was worth it; especially when I came in second place :'3. I thank my mom, my dad, my friends and the paint tool for not freezing every 10 minutes.

y ahora de sufrir de vertigo!! hehe; no se, creo que el encontrarme en ese escenario me revolvería por completo el estomago. Fue un personaje de todo un reto, desde la pose, a los detalles,todo... pero creo que valió mucho la pena; en especial cuando quede de segundo puesto :'3. Le doy mis gracias a mi mama, mi papa, mis amigos y al paint tool por no congelarse cada 10 minutos.


Herramientas / Tools:

  • Paint Tool Sai


Si les gusta mis trabajos, su apoyo significaría mucho / If you like my work, your support would mean a lot.

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It took me way too long to realise he had horse legs ^_^;

I've always been told that participating in contests was a good way to get your name "out there". Did that work out well for you? :D

 4 years ago  

Yes and no :'D.
Not as much as I thought It could.
But I was able to get some money, and at that time it was one of my first monetary profits hehe

This is fantastic! How does a person even end up drawing that well? Did you sign a pact with a demon or smtg? If yes, where do I sign mine :o

 4 years ago (edited) 

That is the secret I didn't give my soul, the contract was for my brother's soul ;)

hahaha good one, I need to sign for my partner's soul ;)

 4 years ago (edited) 

By the way, thank you a lot 😊❤.
I'm glad you liked it a lot.

Awesome as always😊

 4 years ago  

Thanks 😗❤♥️💕

What a beautiful and fantastic work, @edanya! Wonderful work of art! Thanks for sharing! 🤗

 4 years ago  

Thank you 😛❤💕.
I'm glad you liked it

wonderful ! pretty impressive.

 4 years ago  

Thanks!!! ❤😛.
I'm always glad to know people liked it.

 4 years ago  

Thanks!!! ❤😛.
I'm always glad to know people liked it.

Awesome work piece
Paint tool Sai always nice.

 4 years ago  

Yes, hehe. Specially, it's very basic and smooth 😅.
I don't know for my simplicity can be better to make it more organic 😌❤

You did a lovely job!

 4 years ago  

Thanks a lot 😗❤😌

Esta preciosa!!!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Muchas gracias!!! 😛❤❤

Solo voy a decir…. Wow… Me tope hace poco (hoy) con tu trabajo, realmente me sorprende muchísimo! Eres excelente en lo que haces. Espero pronto poder iniciar en mi viaje como artista digital ya que apenas compre mi primera tabla digitalizadora (aun no llega). Espero poder alcanzar en algún momento tu nivel @edanya