Started To Draw Hardin From Movie After By EdgarsArt

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Like I said, I have been working on multiple drawings lately and since I finished Ronaldo, posted a video too-be sure to cgeck it out. Posted last night on Dtube and Youtube too.

Now I have started a new portrait slowly. The main character from such a hit movie right now-After

The whole movie is baded on a girl Tessa. She is a young is a dedicated student, dutiful daughter and loyal girlfriend to her high school sweetheart. In the beginning it looks nothing but a simple high-school movie like tobs of others. Entering her first semester of college, Tessa's guarded world opens up when she meets Hardin Scott- The guy i am drawing. , a mysterious and dark guy who makes her question all she thought she knew about herself and what she wants out of life.

That is when all the magic happens as she falls in love with him. Then the whole bunch of things happen.

I was not quite a big fan of it at the beginning, but later comparing to other teenage movies they make nowadays, it is quite decent.

Also couple days ago the next After 2 version came out, right now it is going around the theatres all around the world.
Let me know is someone will go too to see it, or hace you guys even seen the first one?




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TikTok- EdgarsArt
