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RE: Zombi girl anime style / step by step 🎨

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I used to always draw cel-shading style (I still do from time to time), and I refuse to accept what other people say that

anime was not valued artistically

I bet many digital artists take cel-shading (anime/manga-inspired) as part of their first venture to digital arts. Haha. Personally, I'm on a quest to learning semi-realistic digital painting, though, but I just know I'll always go back to anime style from time to time. :) I can't say which ones I preferred more, especially because artists on Twitter who do both styles are almost always good (maybe that's part of the reason I can't find my own style).

I'm glad you're taking the course again. If I had more time I probably would enroll, too! 😁