Waxing and Waning | Drawing with the Note 10+

in OnChainArt3 years ago

The Earth's strongest tropical cyclone this year is hitting home in the next few hours so I need to get this out before power, phone, and internet lines get cut off again. I think I pretty much jinxed myself when, in my previous post, I said that I might not be able to write in a few days.

Turns out, I really wouldn't. As soon as I hit Publish, the winds grew gustier and heavy rains straight up smacked onto my bedroom windows. The electricity went out, trees got uprooted, and roofs were literally flying about. No kidding. All in the span of 24 hours. We had no electricity for 2 days, and no internet lines for 5.

I don't want to jinx it today, but if you won't hear from me tomorrow or in the next few days, chances are power's out again and I'm saving phone battery that would last me a few days.

Waxing and Waning

She wants to grow her light even at the expense of herself.

I wanted some sort of juxtaposition, and one of the ideas came from the classic Filipino riddle, "When it was killed, it was more alive." A moon doesn't have its own light, but it waxes and wanes in front of our very eyes.

Waxing and Waning on NFT Showroom

Drawing Waxing and Waning

I was working on an ambitious artwork, but it was taking too much time and I wanted to create at least one. I ended up sketching this. I wanted to paint a moon, but I don't know how. I realize I still have a long way to go in that regard. xD

Although it was a quick painting, it wasn't an easy one. I had troubles getting the skin tone right. I wasn't confident with the details, too.

I wanted her to look like she was melting, no like some bucket of red paint was poured onto her. But, well, it is what it is. I just hope it delivered.

I was unsure how I would proceed with the moon. I really, really, really wanted to paint one, but I had no idea how. In the end, I exported my MediBang file into PSD and downloaded custom brushes for Photoshop.

I migrated to my laptop and started working on it, but nothing felt right when I added that big waxing moon in the background. It just didn't fit. So I experimented a bit with the custom brushes I downloaded until ta-daaaa. There goes the end product.



I haven't been able to respond to comments in my previous posts. I'm so sorry. I've been preoccupied.

I'm currently in the process of completing an artwork. Not sure how it will turn out, though. For now, I'm basking in the calm before the storm. It is sunny out there, almost as if a big typhoon isn't coming.

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Manually curated by blacklux 💡Hurricane Rider 🌪 from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!