Space party - Original content - digital art

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)



Hello, I must have conditioned myself for a drawing task every day. If I don't complete this task, I can't sleep. It has become a hobby for me that I can make myself happy. This time I was thinking only of clouds, cosmos, stars. And I'm just drawing. (I draw from my phone's screen.) And then, in my childhood, my curiosity in space comes to my mind. I would like to be an astronaut when I was a kid. But not for space. To see the aliens.



I always believed in their existence. The universe cannot be small enough to accommodate only people. There are huge and other creatures. A scientist was saying that if you watch the sky enough, you'll definitely see a UFO. Therefore, every time I find time, I watch the sky. Hahaha so stupid. get. Life is a little bit nonsense. Now imagine that the aliens in this ufo are having a slumber party inside. When I am sleepy, I think of such things. I hope you like my drawing and support me. And you help me to buy a tablet for myself. I wish you a good night.


