
in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)

Sunrise  resize.gif

The small animation here is the extension of a previous post. Instead of talking about sunset, I tried to express the sunrise this time.

The joy of querying and the energy of courage

In general, I try to keep my drawings simple with minimal shapes on the screen, and in this one, I chose radiance as the primary carrier to express the emotion. Previously the emotions were, if not sad but at least a bit on the melancholic side. This time I tried to bring forward the joy and the energy. The joy of querying and the energy of courage.

The subject is again the figure watching the sun. Sitting on the ground, cross-legged, watching the horizon. The wind is mixing the hair but gently. It is not a storm but more like a breeze. Some colors in the background, to imitate the ground and sky. The story is built mostly on lines to highlight the necessary motion. The figure is waiting for action on the horizon. Then the waves of energy are spreading.

Interpret the void

For most people, I guess the new day is something we try to achieve no matter what the situation we are in. It can be an escape from bad things or an evolvement for the good things. We wait for the sunrise, and we try to get rest before it happens. The rise of the sun is not an end, actually it is the refill and a starting point. Surely, it is up to us to make the starting point attached to a loop or a totally new path.

Then what we see on the so-called new day, could be the actual new way, that we seek to radiate ourselves. The yellow of course is the pure symbol for the energy. The energy that we want to fill the void that we feel around us. I said "feel", because I guess if anybody fails to attach meaning to the world outside, then feeling of emptiness pops up. Later on, if we are lucky, self-expression floods the day. If not, we are the slaves in acrimony.

You may also say that we start the day with an assumption of the space around us is meaningless until we see it. The viewer, namely the complex self-aware existence that we refer to ourselves, is the interpreter.

The stars are made of dreams

Hold on... If we are self-aware, then are we really aware of the world outside? Is the space around us, something that we create in our minds? If you think about it, the matter is the same; rocks, air, water, wood, iron... Hard, soft, granular... Sweet, chili, salty, sour... But the meaning? Is it really the same for everyone? Or is there any meaning for those other than us? At the end of the day our brains are from the same material, but who can claim that there is a single pair of human beings that react in the same way? Same for the emotions, movements, thoughts... Our lives...

There is a vast amount of diversification on earth as the vastness of stars in the sky. All stars are from the same and limited amount of elements from the periodic table, yet having different properties. So does life on earth. Are humans made of stardust? Then the stars are made of dreams... Dreams that fill the void...

We can continue this abstraction further and further... But a long story, in short, I think we need to watch the sunrise but also it would be good to see something in it. Use it to radiate yourself around... Nurture your environment with your own viewing... Avoid starting a loop every day, but let the sunrise be a starting point of a new path.

PS: The sun is one of those stars 🙂

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I love your reflections about the abstraction of sunrise and how we probably perceive that differently. This post also needed the #philosophy tag!! (you can edit and add it!).

I appreciate your interest. Thanks for the advice as well: implemented. 👍