Between Voices and Graphite Corpses, I found my Way! |  Entre Voces y Cadáveres de Grafito ¡Encontré mi Camino!

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)



Since i was a child i always felt attracted by those strange, paranormal worlds, by the world of the spirits, the mystery, that poetic and mystical fusion between life and death. This work represents all that and much more. It is that immortal girl that inhabits and renews herself in every one of my phases and parallel dimensions. That child with a thousand and one questions, that child who has traveled in time, who was always older than a child. Who was born and grew up with her eyes wide open. That in every corner, every person i met became a master of life. I was that child who questioned everything, who had my own laboratory for study and observation. To every little detail, i wanted to give it a meaning, a concept... Find an explanation.

Desde niña siempre me sentí atraída por esos mundos extraños, paranormales, por el mundo de los espíritus, el misterio, esa poética y mística fusión entre la vida y la muerte. Esta obra representa todo eso y mucho más. Es esa niña inmortal que habita y se renueva en cada una de mis fases y dimensiones paralelas. Esa niña con mil y un preguntas, esa niña que ha viajado en el tiempo, que siempre fue más vieja que niña. Que nació y creció con los ojos muy abiertos. Que en cada rincón, cada persona que conocía se transformaba en un maestro de vida. Era esa niña que todo cuestionaba, tenía mi propio laboratorio de estudio y observación. A cada pequeño detalle, quería darle un sentido, concepto... Encontrar una explicación.


My Creative Process | Crime Scene

Mi Proceso Creativo | Escena del Crimen


When i drew the first traces of this mysterious girl, i remember that i was going through one of my many existential crises, i used to leave all my drawings unfinished, i was just a strange creator and collector of paper corpses, full of graphite, small souls in pain that were lost in my mental swamps, little by little, they slowly sank into the depths of oblivion, into those dark and somewhat depressing waters with ghostly voices screaming from the depths, longing that their crimes would not remain unsolved.

Cuando dibujé los primeros trazos de esta niña misteriosa, recuerdo que atravesaba una de mis tantas crisis existenciales, solía dejar todos mis dibujos sin terminar, sólo era una extraña creadora y coleccionista de cadáveres de papel, llenos de grafito, pequeñas almas en pena que se perdían en mis pantanos mentales, poco a poco, lentamente se hundían en las profundidades del olvido, en aquellas aguas oscuras y un tanto deprimentes con voces fantasmales gritando desde las profundidades, añorando que sus crímenes no se quedasen sin resolver.


In that moment of strange lucidity and illumination, i had a vision, i saw her ghost, her big eyes staring at me, she was my own reflection, my quantum girl from the past and also from the future, giving me her coordinates to be able to find her little body among so much debris from yesterday. Then i desperately took my pencils, my larger drawing block (48cmx32,5cm) and started that kind of automatic drawing as if possessed by an anxious entity, excited to tell its melancholic secrets.

En ese momento de extraña lucidez e iluminación, tuve una visión, vi su fantasma, sus grandes ojos mirándome fijamente, era mi propio reflejo, mi niña cuántica del pasado y también del futuro, dándome sus coordenadas para poder hallar su pequeño cuerpo entre tantos escombros del ayer. Entonces tomé desesperadamente mi lápices, mi block de dibujo más grande (48cmx32,5cm) y comencé aquella especie de dibujo automático como poseída por un ente ansioso, emocionado por contar sus secretos melancólicos.


Finally, i went into her grave and discovered how much i love graphite, that darkness and softness of grey worlds, those that leave your hands dirty, of lead and silver... From that moment i knew which was my path, i left that world of unsolved crimes, the gray scale was my oracle that connected me with something so pure and emotional, it clarified my thinking to open the way to other unknown worlds of ghosts and dream creatures full of color.

Finalmente, me adentré en su tumba y descubrí cuánto amo el grafito, esa oscuridad y suavidad de mundos grises, esos que te dejan sucia las manos, de plomo y plata... Desde ese momento supe cuál era mi camino, dejé aquel mundo de crímenes no resueltos, la escala de grises fue mi oráculo que me conectó con algo tan puro y emocional, me aclaró el pensamiento para abrirme el paso a otros mundos desconocidos de fantasmas y criaturas oníricas llenas de color.



You can visit my NFTshowroom Gallery Following this LINK

Super cosmic greeting to everyone!Thank you for visiting and take a look of my little artistic corner!
¡Un súper saludo cósmico a todos ¡Gracias por visitar y curiosear mi pequeño rincón artístico!

Credits - Créditos

Translation - Traducción:with
All the content - Todo el contenido

Text, design, photography, all done by me.

Texto, diseños, fotografía son de mi autoría.

medulog peq hiv.png

Copyright @medussart All Right Reserved


Thats beautiful @medussart! This is such a nice style too, the grey and white really suits your pencil!

Thank you @julesquirin ;)...This is my favorite style, I have to confess. It's been long time ago I don't do this drawings because of the time I have to spend on them but it's my beloved technique. Greetings ✌️

That's quite a lot of eyes, they can probably see everything XD

I like the skeleton hand and the eye flowers (though if I were the flower picking type I think I'd be leaving eye flowers well alone XD).

I'd also be mildly concerned if something possessed me to draw but with the dipping in and out of head universes I guess I'm just used to being the possessor rather than the possessee ;D

Hahaha, yes I know, I have an obsession with XD eyes. I draw them even when I want to relax. I would like a flower like that, in fact I would like to have a carnivorous flower and a mandrake. I think some spirits possess me when i draw, but I'm used to it by now,we are friends.😂

In the garden or a pot is fine, I think they would object if you picked them though XD

Or perhaps not who knows XD