La mano de Nana Walker / The hand of Nana Walker (Spa/Eng)

in OnChainArt4 years ago


Bienvenidos. Sé que parece un poco raro, pero utilice la mano de Nana Walker como excusa para practicar un poquito como funcionan las manos. Si amigos, es la mano de la señorita Nana Walker gracias a una captura que hice con mi celular desde su historia de Instagram. Vi la mano y me pareció bastante bonita así que me puse a dibujar su mano. El boceto lo hice 2 veces, ya que el primer boceto no me había quedado muy bien, con el segundo boceto preste más atención y lo pude hacer mejor, espero les guste. Un saludo y hasta la próxima.


Welcome. I know it seems a little weird, but use Nana Walker's hand as an excuse to practice a little bit of how the hands work. Yes friends, it's Miss Nana Walker's hand thanks to a capture I made with my cell phone from her Instagram story. I saw the hand and thought it was quite pretty so I started drawing her hand. I did the sketch twice, since the first sketch didn't look very good, with the second sketch I paid more attention and I was able to do it better, I hope you like it. I hope you like it.

Nana Walker (Instagram)

Proceso / Process:

Todas mis ilustraciones son en digital gracias al Photoshop, y lo hago todo con mouse / All my illustrations are in digital thanks to Photoshop, and I do everything with mouse.





Hands are the bane of my existence and even using bases doesn't help xD

I'm trusting that you did actually sketch it out like you say you did rather than trace it because you're reliable and trustworthy, it's a very good likeness XP

Was it a stylistic choice to make the bracelet look like a tattoo? :)

Looks pretty good, I can't believe you do everything with a mouse x_x

Thank you. Of course I did it with bases, I would never draw it on something. And on the bracelet actually that part gave me a lot of slack, so I did it with a lot of slack and it looked like a tattoo hahaha.