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RE: PMS | Digital Art

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I can relate to that, nice work about it btw!
Although in the past I haven't had as much trouble from the menstrual cycle as I have had in the past few years, nowadays it can really really sweep me off my feet for 1 or 2 days. In my case, it honestly depends on how strong the full moon is usually because my cycle follows the moon cycle (no, I'm not a werewolf lol)..
Some months I have extreme extreme migraines that make everything mission impossible for 1 or two days and I hate it. Something that has come up in the past few months (which I didn't have before) is having a very painful nipple around menstruation and ovulation.. So annoying :)

 4 years ago  

Ah yeah I heard about the moon thing, how does it work exactly? That's terrible :( Yeah it's pretty annoying to have swollen boobs, but I can't imagine having painful nipples! :(

How it works exactly? I'm not an expert that can explain how these things work, what I always do is take notes whenever I have more pain or huge moodswings / being so on edge that even I hate being around me haha, usually I'm quite fast looking up the moon cycle and almost every single time I see there's a new moon ahead (like 4 days before max) or full moon.

Then I know, aha, just sit tight in a few days it's getting better. I instantly accept the fact that it's the moon cycle causing me to be on edge and don't ask too much of myself, this works best for everyone (trust me haha). I didn't have my cycle following the moon for a long time though, that's something that started maybe this year.

The painful nipples are horrible but I read as long as it's cycle related usually it's not something bad (which I was afraid of first)..