Candle holder made from rests...

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Hello again...
Like you can see in my last posts, my projects usually aren't small.
But today I'm going to show you a little guy, that I made fron a piece of wood that left over after I used the chain saw...
When I saw this piece of wood an Idea came into my mind... So I took my angel grinder and started forming this guy...When I finished at making the rougher structures...I took the plate grinder again and made all smooth...So and here's the result...


So and even that little thing took already 1 and a half you see this hobby quite needs some time...but that's worth it, or do you think it isn't??

So that for today, thanks for reading...and thanks for all the support...Do you think I should do this more often??
CU ;)