Gibiate (Episodes 1-6) Anime Review - Well This One is Just Bad

in The Anime Realm4 years ago


I'm going to just start right up front and say this is one of the worst shows I have watched all year. The only show I can think of worse than this is Babylon, but even then that show was such a pretentious clusterfuck at least it was enjoyable to watch as some kind of unintentional dark comedy. Gibiate has nothing about it that is that bad, it's just a show that has nothing good going for it.

The show is an apocalypse scenario where a strange virus turns people into monsters. For reasons I still don't understand after six episodes, three people from Japan's past have been teleported to the modern-day and now fight to try to save humanity. The very first problem we come across is everyone immediately believes and accepts that these people have traveled through time. They react like they just heard a strange fact about bees they never knew before, not like a bunch of ancient warriors traveled through time. This is how the show starts, and it doesn't get any better.


We establish a few things early on, like how the monsters have a drive to breed, rules on how their poison operates to turn people into monsters, it's all pretty simple and easy to follow. I will give the show credit for this, very soon you realize what's at stake, and you understand the rules the show is operating under. This is more than I can say for other shows I watched this year. That said none of the characters themselves are particularly interesting, and nothing about the show has done anything of note. After six episodes, not one thing that happens in this show stands out in memory.

What does stand out, unfortunately, is the terrible art direction this show has taken. The first major issue is the mix of what looks like CG animation and non-CG animation. The monsters look CG, and nothing else in the show does. This is one of those situations in which the two kinds of animation do not look like they belong together, and this makes the action of the show look awkward. What may be just as bad is this guys face, which looks like this odd mix of masculine and feminine traits that just don't mesh well together. I can't describe why it bothers me, but this is the best way I can think to describe it.


That's all there is to say about it. The show looks ugly, it goes off on seemingly unrelated historical tangents, and nothing interesting happens to hold your interest. There is so little about the even decent show I can't think of any reason it's worth watching, not even as a trainwreck.


I've read similar critique. I guess Japan media has like a quota of anime to meet. Filler episodes? Filler anime!