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RE: How Would You Live in a Different World? A Look into Belle (竜とそばかすの姫)

in The Anime Realm2 years ago

Great review @arcgspy ! I didn't know that you were into Anime btw, so the movie sound really interesting and it's going to be on my watch list for sure! Thanks for sharing!


Lofone! Nice to see ya dropping by! I’m just taking some baby steps into Anime. 😅 Anything that’s needs to be watched for more than 3 days is a no-no for me, haha.

Let me know what you think of it after you’ve seen it!


Hahaha, tbh I can't even find the time to watch anything during the week! The balance between my day job and being active in Hive seems to be very time consuming but I am counting the days for the weekend! I can't even catch up with your streams anymore 😥

Oof, that's tough! I feel ya! I'm also trying to land a job, and, for sure, the 9-6 life will bum me out... Lol

Don't worry about not being able to catch my streams... I haven't been on as much, too!

I wish you all the best in your job hunt! I am sure that you are going to find something that fits you! Also, I will keep an eye on the stream channel at THG discord :D