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RE: How Would You Live in a Different World? A Look into Belle (竜とそばかすの姫)

in The Anime Realm2 years ago

Hahaha, tbh I can't even find the time to watch anything during the week! The balance between my day job and being active in Hive seems to be very time consuming but I am counting the days for the weekend! I can't even catch up with your streams anymore 😥


Oof, that's tough! I feel ya! I'm also trying to land a job, and, for sure, the 9-6 life will bum me out... Lol

Don't worry about not being able to catch my streams... I haven't been on as much, too!

I wish you all the best in your job hunt! I am sure that you are going to find something that fits you! Also, I will keep an eye on the stream channel at THG discord :D