my newest NFT showroom piece: ENTHUSED

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)

After a month and a half I am back on the NFT showroom with a new mint. It's been a little while since my last drop was on WAX, just something I wanted to experiment with.

WAX was cool, but I have to be honest, it feels weird minting somewhere other than NFT showroom. I feel like my gallery on Hive has a long way to go. With this new piece I'll still only have three artworks available on the primary market and six in total since joining the platform.

It takes a while to put together a full portfolio of work in a brand new artistic medium. At least I'm making progress.


Now presenting ENTHUSED, available exclusively on Hive.

ENTHUSED v1c.gif

alt text: feels good man


7 Editions / 7 HIVE

What's Next?

I am already working on some more stuff to bring to the showroom soon.

Nothing I am ready to reveal yet. For me art is best made in secret and only revealed once it is completely finished.

Art is an experience, seeing the early drafts before seeing the final product somehow diminishes that experience. It makes it less likely to transport the viewer or listener into another realm and help them escape reality for a moment or two.

You can buy ENTHUSED now via NFT Showroom.


cool i love it! ive been on wax since earlier this year but now there are so many places popping up to mint haha