
That feeling when you realise that no logic can work on cult members so you say fuck it im just going to post memes...

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Following your lead when you use to post the memes.. These closed minded people are going to be shocked when their world disappears. Hope I have enough ammo for the zombies untill they peter out.

I'll do a meme post tomorrow!- you have inspired me

I am so flattered frotman


At least they cured the flu.

Thank God, now our worries are over.. 🙃

Legendary memes every time, bro🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wonder what would happen next, would all these millions of people who have been vaxxed die or what? Would we be the only people left in the world or free from side effects? That would be cool and messed up at the same time 😂😂

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I don't know. If they lose control the elite are dead meat. To me it would take one world leader of a prominent country to expose this diabolic scheme. But the world main stream media has to be taken down and replaced with the truth. Only other way is for the people to rise up and remove their governments and hold those responsible. It would be a domino effect. If there is no major push back, we are all slaves. the ones who are left.