
Hahahaha believe me that it scared me!!! I think I could have cute babies but I am terrified of the actual thing happening in real life. A copy of me... I am not prepared in my dreams neither in real life🙈🙈 babies should come with a user manual.

lol a copy of me would be weird indeed, I'd just give it back to the nurse and say "I can barely take care of myself".

Lol. Yup, I so get you. I am feeling like a child myself most of the times. I feel like I barely scratched the surface of what I want to do for myself, for my own happiness. Having a child seems like a complicated equation. Some seem to solve it quite easily. I guess it depends on a lot of factors. The partner has a huge role. No way I would see myself covered with milk and other fluids while the other would be far away having fun lol. I don't know. I want to feel ready, I believe that too many conceive a baby because this is what society expects of them, or because of peer/parent pressure. I guess that when I will be with the right guy it should feel like a natural step? Who knows, I enjoy my freedom a lot now and having a dream with a baby is just anxiety for me🙈One year from now I might change my mind, life is full of surprises