Why is having a life coach a good idea?

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

Well, a good life coach has perspective and wisdom, not just from reading books or having lots of diplomas and certifications but from actual real-life experience.

A good life coach is one who has overcome a lot in life already.
Perspective matters because life is confusing.

If you think about it, we spend most of our life in a state of confusion, constantly transitioning towards clarity.

As a child, you're very confused about everything and a lot of things. In fact, you know so little that you depend on your parents to survive, you need them to explain every aspect of reality and give you clear instructions every day; -"No, don't do that!" and "Look, this is how you do it".

Life looks like a complex maze of dos and don'ts, or go ahead's and forbidden paths, and at each turn, reasons have to be explained. Do this because X, don't do that because Y. It's very confusing.

But then as you grow up, you have experiences, you accumulate knowledge, and get a bit more perspective yourself.

At this point, you have made some progress in your transition from confusion to clarity, some simple things start to make sense, and you no longer need an explanation for why you should not touch the hot stove for example.

But guess what, as you progress through life, you gather experience and knowledge that will help you understand some things, but as you do that, new things enter your perception, and they're confusing.

Because understanding things mean you are just upgrading your confusion. As knowledge is near infinite understanding it's just a call to action to explore further, and that means to sort the next thing and the next and the next. Do you see how this goes?

More knowledge means an opportunity to solve bigger problems. But no matter the level you are at, you're always transitioning from confusion to clarity.

Clarity it's just temporary and confusion always has a way to come back, it's inescapable just like gravity. This is a classic case of order versus chaos, where to organize reality you have to organize your mind first.

So now let's look at the question once again. Why is having a life coach a good idea?
Well, mainly because you're going to spend all your life trying to escape the confusion and gain clarity in a multi-threaded kind of way.

Projects, goals, dreams, careers, decisions, relationships all aspects of life. So when something is confusing to you it might just very well be possible that somebody else already had that problem and you might benefit from having their perspective.

A good life coach can help you to uncover what's holding you back, what can be done, elaborate some strategies and plan together how to move further, and then assist you with that transition.


Greetings, each stage of life has its own characteristics in the evolutionary development of the human being, so every experience counts...discipline is an important factor when you decide to have a coach because otherwise it would not make sense.
(As a suggestion, it is important to put the source of the image you show)

Saludos, cada etapa de la vida tiene sus características en el desarrollo evolutivo del Ser humano, por ello cada experiencia cuenta...la disciplina es un factor importante cuando decides tener un coach porque de otra forma no tendría sentido.

(Como sugerencia, es importante colocar la fuente de la imagen que muestras)