Our Champions Did All : A SPORT FREEWRITE.

in Freewriters3 years ago

The gold came neither
Just a silver
With two tiny little bronze
All we got from Tokyo
Of a tournament so large
Athletes with style and scar
Of previous defeat and coming last
They've championed there energy
Came back first, from afar.
A continuous effort
Stretching further
A sweat, he won't break
At home, he has trained harder
Out in the cold
Hot in hell's weather
Our champion did all
Came high to the podium
Broke the world record.
To those topping the table
Nations with more facilities
Coach ready to sharpens
From rough edges to star
Making weak men to stand
Stand not alone, be outstanding
Look like a king, act like it
Be one, above all
For the gold, the work
It finally paid off.
An entry into @mariannewest everyday freewrite