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RE: That girl on the old blue bicycle - Day 1454: 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

Of all the many treasures you've parted with, you've kept your mom's sewing - that's something! Too many of us have let go of these things. I see them at Goodwill all the time, hand crocheted baby blankets, and books signed by authors, and artwork written "With love to ---," and maybe someone died and someone else cleaned house, but I suspect a lot of this is the housekeeping of indifferent offspring....


they have left me children's artwork to deal with here, both the stuff they made 60 years ago and that of their own children.

My mother's color and material sense was different from mine. She got into acrylic yarn and bright bright blue for me. I don't have them where they can be seen by anyone but me, but I adore them anyway.

Oh no, children's artwork - STORAGE UNIT somewhere on THEIR property...
Acrylic: I never could abide the stuff. Cotton, soft and well worn. Our youngest inherited that trait, and preferred secondhand clothing to new. (Until middle school.... when people started commenting on how she dressed, and how she looked, and she started to CARE what others thought. How did I not see that coming!)