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RE: That girl on the old blue bicycle - Day 1454: 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

Romeo!! Oh Romeo! I WANT HIM
He sounds like Merlin, caged, unwanted, looking big and scary, to everyone but me: I saw a butterfly. No, I cannot explain. Maybe his tiny voice said "Butterfly" not Raging Lion. Oh now that Jimmy is gone you might find that the Maine Coon is a "better version of the dog" - some are known to fetch, to be as loyal and companionable as dogs. Merlin was too scarred for that, traumatized, and then Bobi the Bad tormented him. Perhaps Freddy would be intolerant of Romeo. I WANT HIM.... no I don't. Yes I do. ROMEO!!!!!


I had two Maine Coons. Fabulous cats. This guy let me pet his belly, which neither of my other two will allow. I roughed him up a little and he seemed to like it. My kind of cat!

Romeo is very happy there. He has long term friends too. When the vet let Romeo and a few others out, he jumped for joy and started playing with the others. I worry that I would be ruining his life to bring him here. He's clearly happy.

Also, a staff person there told me that the vet has never considered adopting him out to others who have wanted him, so even if I do decide I want him, it's a long shot. At least the vet came here (to put Jimmy down), saw my digs, and knows how much I would love him. Maybe that would be in my favor.

Well, if Romeo is happy in his little cage, ok... but I would be happy knowing you had another Maine Coon in your life. Who wouldn't want one. (Uh, my husband.)

I will love Romeo from afar. :)