The Petty Mind of a POC Activist Creator.

Over the years as a struggling freelancer who wants to create stuff for me and help indie creators with their book projects and I have dreamed that I can be a successful artist that is Filipino. Like any other Filipino creators we want to scream at the world; “LOOK AT ME I’M FILIPINO AND I MADE THIS! PLEASE LIKE MY SHIT!”

But also those years I have observed a number of my peers start to veer off into the weird ideological framework. Noticing it little by little from how they speak online, How they identify, and the additional wacky western bullshit that is the pronouns in the bio. This has come to my attention that everything is not alright in the online space and discourse in art creation.

This very lecherous mindset is that everything must have more “representation.” It sounds nice, but over the months and years of observing, I have seen it as nothing more than a façade of activism and using art and skin color as a shield, a battering ram, and worse, a platform.

I have to preface this, There is nothing wrong with representation but there is a problem with using representation wrongfully and also using it as a bludgeoning weapon for political games. This is the mindset of a race hustler using race as nothing more than a platform, a trojan horse, and a weapon. I can see that the use of representation is wrought with the malicious intent of replacement rather than adding more characters into the story or creating a new story with the said new colored character.

It disturbs me that these people who are from the West and East coast of America with a hubris of a fucking ambassadors to others but have intentions of backstabbers. I want to discuss and dissect these types of mindsets so that I want to help people understand and also counter these types of narratives.

Replacement: Getting Sloppy Seconds from European Stories.

Please listen to YoungRippa's video and also this video as well and come back to this blog.

Over the years there has been a lot of weird race swap and also discussion of race swap that can be considered condensed into the following.

  • it’s okay to race-swap white people because they have too many roles
  • it’s okay to race swap if they are good for the role.
  • it’s not okay to race-swap colored people with white because of “muh” racism.

It was so one-sided to the point it became clearer that it had an agenda to race-swap white characters with sub-par replacements and erase the original. I was a believer during my early years that you can race to swap anything as long you keep its “spirit” but I later found out with these people that they are the pettiest creators I’ve ever fucking encountered and the “spirit” does not have that in it.

It’s nothing more than Adaptational Dissonance that does not match any of the themes, locations, and also personalities.

“see themselves in the movies” - utilizing the replacement of an old IP or Eurocentric Tale rather than the creation of a brand new one. Also known as being lazy and also facetious at best and using post-modernist excuses to justify the replacement. It is not. It is rather giving leftovers to the colored individual rather than the creation of a full-blown meal/story. I will not oppose black characters in the euro-centric story as long it is new, original, newer pastures and story scenarios that people will enjoy.

Also “Seeing yourself/themselves in the movies” feels like a cop-out and carefully placed land mine towards the critics who see various and legitimate reasons that the film falters if there are plot elements that are wonky and also the story falters. It defers back to the race-making mind games towards the “creators” of said media since they have an ego of a movie glass; easy to break. I will also say as a colored individual; Not everything should be catered to me as a brown person. I wanna see more different types of people/characters in different scenarios that excite me as a reader/viewer to enjoy the damn medium.

They treat the audience like petulant and retarded children that needs to be reminded of redundant liberal values and truth be told it’s getting on my nerves. I’m not even American for fucks sake and I’m getting tired of it.

Replacement is not Creation nor Improvement

Upon hearing the news of the upcoming Disney Movie: Little Mermaid replacing the red-headed Ariel people just had it with the race swap but also with the remakes as well. People are tired; Tired of being lectured on. Tired of being called an ist’s or a phobe when there is legitimate criticism and some of the criticism isn’t centered around race. Like this video for example from the Critical Drinker.

Please kindly view the whole video from beginning to end since it does sum up the state of entertainment of the West in general and also a lot of viewers who watches a lot of western movies and we are also feeling the lethargy and also the anger.

Back to the subpoint of the title Replacement is not Creation or Improvement of the story since what's the point on telling the same story but rebranding it and change the skin color to have Identity Politics Shield towards the critics. Nice try motherfucker but we can see the land mine you making the post-modernist garbage that you’ve made.

Petty Ambassadorship

Mark: 8:07

if you're a white liberal leftist or consider yourself to be a white Ally. I have a challenge for you, don't create any more content on Tick Tock until September 22nd honestly, you deserve a break because every day is a white person day and y'all must be exhausted so while you sit back listen and learn and truly decenter yourself black indigenous and other people of color we got it from here please though continue to like comment and share our content because you all are always talking about how you want to support us and create Equity but the truth that so many of y'all are unwilling to accept is that you do not want black indigenous and other people of color to lead and pave the way because what would we do without your perspective your voice your commentary your education we would Thrive.

Watching that video on that section of RuinedLeon is one of the most entitled and narcissistic shit I’ve ever watched. You don’t demand others to give up their work on the YT channel or any other projects to build yourself up and not work bettering yourself to produce better content. Blaming the white man for everything it will not solve that as well. The Petty Ambassadorship is also damaging towards the race that you are representing as well since you are THE voice of said people (firstly who asked you to be our representative for this shit.)

And some of us also would wholly disagree with your take that is far more damaging race relation-wise since you want the whole race to be racist towards the other. Also, crying victimhood is also not good since you are representing us and you made us absolutely weak and infantile as well. There is difficulty in the space on any field if you are a colored person but achieving it through hard work and also determination will shine and pave away with legitimate representation. Not this venomous shit that a lot of POC activists are preaching of. They only preach victimhood and pettyness and represents negatively on the race itself and if this was a creative space, It also makes other customers ward off on our products and output that we as a race are this petty and venomous towards. Meritocracy is the way not Petty.