
in Freewriters2 years ago



When I was very young, the word # hashtag did not come into my vocabulary, one day I asked my teacher what is this hashtag. There was no special trend in those days, yet the teacher told that hashtag is a symbol.

Hashtags written with the # symbol are used to index keywords or topics of postings made on Twitter or on any social site.

This function was built on Twitter and gives people the ease of easily finding topics that interest them.

At that time, I did not understand anything special about it, but as I grew up, gradually I understood the true meaning of the hashtag.

Today's young generation knows about hashtags as soon as they are born, because they are well aware of the use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

A lot can be said, written, read, and written on this subject because, in today's modern social media society, the #hashtag has become a very important symbol.


We had no internet as kids either!

Thanks, @wandrnrose7 May I know when you were a kid, hahaha? By this, I can guess when the internet reached there. I am just joking.

I was born 1962. We really didn't have it and our homes until the eighties!