Institutions / Instituciones (eng/esp) ! A 5 minute freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago


Humanity with the passing of time has organized its daily life, its relationship with others, based on communities, which have been the germ for the foundation of towns and cities. Over time, the complexity and variety of activities to be carried out by men, institutions arose which allow specific activities aimed at solving problems in society, fulfilling an important role for the benefit of all.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

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La humanidad con el devenir de los tiempos ha organizado su vida diaria, su relación con los demas, tomando como base las comunidades, las cuales han sido el germen para la fundación de pueblos y ciudades. Con el tiempo debido a la complejidad y variedad de las actividades a cumplir por los hombres, surgieron las instituciones las cuales permiten realizar actividades específicas orientadas hacia la solución de problemas de la sociedad, cumpliendo un rol importante para el beneficio de todos.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Friday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]



This is true. Every society and civilization once it establishes itself will a erect institutions. They're designed to promote peaceful civilization, education, religion, and art. I can be a good thing. A nation that decides to limit,or control it's institutions and to say what can and cannot be shared are on the road to erasing free speech and the creativity of those very institutions. It is a very important to preserve are institutions and allow free speech and expression!

Dear @wandrnrose7, thank you very much for commenting on my publication, expanding the meaning of what I express in it. I am really pleased to share these moments and know that by contributing each of us our grain of sand, we can achieve a better society.

I agree, my friend and brother in faith. Have a wonderful weekend!

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