Steam roller! / Aplanadora! (eng/esp) ! A 5 minute freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago


We live in times in which the authorities only want to pass the steamroller to evade their responsibilities, pretending to take care of citizens by indicating that they must use face masks to prevent the spread of a supposed virus, whose origin has not been well determined and which still there is no effective treatment to cure the sick.

The human being has always been subjected to the attack of viruses, fungi and bacteria, so it is not a novelty to get sick from any of them. The novelty lies in wanting to isolate an entire society, which leads to a reduction in freedoms.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

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Vivimos tiempos en que las autoridades solo desean pasar la aplanadora para evadir sus responsabilidades, pretendiendo cuidar a los ciudadanos indicandoles que deben utilizar mascaras faciales para la prevención del contagio de un supuesto virus, del que no se ha determinado bien su procedencia y al que aun no se tiene un tratamiento efectivo para curar a los enfermos.
El ser humano siempre ha estado sometido al ataque de virus, hongos y bacterias por lo que no resulta una novedad enfermarse de alguno de ellos. La novedad estriba en querer aislar a toda una sociedad, lo que conlleva a una merma en las libertades.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Wednesday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]



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En realidad si es cierto, uno esta expuesto a toda clases de virus y bacterias, pero esta en particular me asusta, debo admitirlo.

Hola @isgledysduarte. Gracias mil por tu visita. La clave esta en respaldar el sistema inmunológico para estar prevenido contra esas amenazas. Saludos.