Hoy les entrego un cuento infantil de mi autoria. Quise salir un poco de mi zona de confort y estoy experimentando nuevos caminos con mi escritura. Así que, espero los deleite, inspire y fidelice a mi arte.
Today I'm bringing you a children's story of my own. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and I'm experimenting new ways with my writing. So, I hope it delights you, inspires you and makes you loyal to my art.
La princesa y el picnic
The princess and the picnic
En un reino tranquilo y muy lejano… vivían en armonía humanos, hadas y animales. Quien gobernaba era el Rey humano Heberlod, junto a su esposa, la Reina hada Lía. Ambos tenían una hermosa hija, una niña mitad hada y mitad humana, la princesa hada Heily.
Durante muchos años el reino había estado en completo orden y sus habitantes eran muy felices. Cantaban y bailaban todos los días, su felicidad por la comida y la amistad entre los vecinos era enorme. Todos sonreían y reían, excepto uno.
Supervisar la cosecha y ser un líder todo el tiempo le había quitado un poco la diversión y alegría a todo. El rey Heberlod estaba cansado, pero nadie más podía ser rey. Muchas cosas que hacía antes ya no podía hacerlas, cada vez estaba más y más ocupado.
Un día, la princesa hada Heily quería jugar con su padre. Se aseguró de hacer sus deberes y aprender sus lecciones para tener tiempo libre. Su madre la reina hada siempre jugaba con ella, aunque a veces tuviera mucho trabajo supervisando el trabajo de las otras hadas. Pero la princesa había notado que su padre, hacía mucho que no jugaba con ella y sonreía muy poco. Así que ideó el plan de tener un picnic en el bosque con su padre. Estaba segura de que hacerlo reír bastaría para que recuperara su felicidad.
Esa noche, como era costumbre, el Rey entró en la habitación de la princesa para desearle buenas noches y besar su frente como despedida. Antes solía leerle un cuento mientras acariciaba su cabeza para dormirla. Pero sabía que su padre estaba muy cansado y ya no podía hacer eso sin quedarse dormido él primero. Pero esa noche, antes de que el rey se despidiera ella le confesó su plan.
-¡Papi! Sé que eres el rey y estás muy ocupado. Pero hace mucho que no juegas conmigo y tampoco te he visto reír. Pienso que debes tomarte un descanso, para que vuelvas a reír de nuevo.
-¡Oh! ¿Eso crees mi princesa? -dijo el rey Heberlod al darse cuenta de que su hija lo había notado triste y distante.
-¡Sí! Es cierto. -dijo la niña con una sonrisa triste en su rostro.
-Tal vez tengas razón, pero nadie más puede ser rey si yo no estoy.
-Lo sé... -dijo la princesa un poco triste. Pero al recordar su plan esa tristeza desapareció de inmediato.- Pero sé que puedes tomarte un descanso sin tener que renunciar a ser rey. Por eso preparé todo un día lleno de diversión y grandiosa comida para que tengamos un picnic en el bosque. Mañana después del desayuno, iremos a divertirnos.
-Me parece un buen plan, creo que puedo tener ese picnic contigo. -dijo el rey siendo optimista.
-¿En serio? ¿Lo prometes? -dijo ella expresando toda su emoción.
-Lo prometo. -dijo él muy seguro de si mismo.
-Bien. El picnic será en el viejo árbol de cerezo.
-Claro, cómo olvidar ese árbol. Fue donde vi por primera vez a tu madre. Buenas noches, princesa. -dijo el rey dándole el beso de costumbre en la frente a la pequeña niña.
-Buenas noches, papá. -dijo ella, cerrando sus ojos, quedando dormida.
A la mañana siguiente, la princesa despertó de muy buen humor y se apresuró para estar lista a tiempo.
A pesar de que no había visto a su padre en el desayuno, sabía que lo vería más tarde. Empacó lo necesario en su cesta de picnic y luego Salió al bosque. Sabía que a lo mejor tendría que esperar un poco y llevó su libro favorito para entretenerse.
In a peaceful kingdom far away... humans, fairies and animals lived in harmony. Who ruled was the human King Heberlod, together with his wife, the fairy Queen Leah. They both had a beautiful daughter, a half-fairy, half-human girl, the fairy princess Heily.
For many years the kingdom had been in complete order and its inhabitants were very happy. They sang and danced every day, their happiness for the food and the friendship among the neighbors was enormous. Everyone smiled and laughed, except for one.
Overseeing the harvest and being a leader all the time had taken a bit of the fun and joy out of everything. King Heberlod was tired, but no one else could be king. Many things he used to do he could no longer do, he was getting busier and busier.
One day, the fairy princess Heily wanted to play with her father. She made sure to do her homework and learn her lessons so she could have free time. Her mother the fairy queen always played with her, even though she sometimes had a lot of work supervising the work of the other fairies. But the princess had noticed that her father had not played with her for a long time and smiled very little. So she came up with the plan to have a picnic in the forest with her father. She was sure that making him laugh would be enough to bring back her happiness.
That night, as was customary, the King entered the princess's room to wish her good night and kiss her forehead as a farewell. Before, he used to read her a story while caressing her head to put her to sleep. But he knew her father was very tired and could no longer do that without falling asleep himself first. But that night, before the king said goodbye she confessed her plan to him.
-Daddy! I know you're the king and you're very busy. But you haven't played with me for a long time and I haven't seen you laugh either. I think you should take a break, so you can laugh again.
-Oh, do you think so, my princess? -said King Heberlod, realizing that his daughter had noticed him sad and distant.
-Yes, it's true.
-said the girl with a sad smile on her face.
-You may be right, but no one else can be king without me.
-I know... -said the princess a little sadly. But when she remembered her plan, that sadness disappeared immediately, "But I know you can take a break without giving up being king. That's why I prepared a whole day full of fun and great food for us to have a picnic in the forest. Tomorrow after breakfast, we'll go out and have some fun.
-That sounds like a good plan, I think I can have that picnic with you. -said the king optimistically.
-Really? You promise?
-she said expressing all her excitement.
-I promise. -He said very sure of himself.
-Good. The picnic will be at the old cherry tree.
-Of course, how could I forget that tree. It's where I first saw your mother. Good night, princess. -said the king, giving the little girl the usual kiss on the forehead.
-Good night, Dad! -she said, closing her eyes, falling asleep.
The next morning, the princess woke up in a very good mood and hurried to be ready in time.
Although she had not seen her father at breakfast, she knew she would see him later. She packed what she needed in her picnic basket and then headed out into the forest. She knew she might have to wait a while and brought her favorite book to entertain herself.
For many years the kingdom had been in complete order and its inhabitants were very happy. They sang and danced every day, their happiness for the food and the friendship among the neighbors was enormous. Everyone smiled and laughed, except for one.
Overseeing the harvest and being a leader all the time had taken a bit of the fun and joy out of everything. King Heberlod was tired, but no one else could be king. Many things he used to do he could no longer do, he was getting busier and busier.
One day, the fairy princess Heily wanted to play with her father. She made sure to do her homework and learn her lessons so she could have free time. Her mother the fairy queen always played with her, even though she sometimes had a lot of work supervising the work of the other fairies. But the princess had noticed that her father had not played with her for a long time and smiled very little. So she came up with the plan to have a picnic in the forest with her father. She was sure that making him laugh would be enough to bring back her happiness.
That night, as was customary, the King entered the princess's room to wish her good night and kiss her forehead as a farewell. Before, he used to read her a story while caressing her head to put her to sleep. But he knew her father was very tired and could no longer do that without falling asleep himself first. But that night, before the king said goodbye she confessed her plan to him.
-Daddy! I know you're the king and you're very busy. But you haven't played with me for a long time and I haven't seen you laugh either. I think you should take a break, so you can laugh again.
-Oh, do you think so, my princess? -said King Heberlod, realizing that his daughter had noticed him sad and distant.
-Yes, it's true.
-said the girl with a sad smile on her face.
-You may be right, but no one else can be king without me.
-I know... -said the princess a little sadly. But when she remembered her plan, that sadness disappeared immediately, "But I know you can take a break without giving up being king. That's why I prepared a whole day full of fun and great food for us to have a picnic in the forest. Tomorrow after breakfast, we'll go out and have some fun.
-That sounds like a good plan, I think I can have that picnic with you. -said the king optimistically.
-Really? You promise?
-she said expressing all her excitement.
-I promise. -He said very sure of himself.
-Good. The picnic will be at the old cherry tree.
-Of course, how could I forget that tree. It's where I first saw your mother. Good night, princess. -said the king, giving the little girl the usual kiss on the forehead.
-Good night, Dad! -she said, closing her eyes, falling asleep.
The next morning, the princess woke up in a very good mood and hurried to be ready in time.
Although she had not seen her father at breakfast, she knew she would see him later. She packed what she needed in her picnic basket and then headed out into the forest. She knew she might have to wait a while and brought her favorite book to entertain herself.
En el pueblo un grupo de ladrones de otro reino estaba siendo perseguido por los guardias reales. Cuando fueron detenidos, el rey en persona los perdonó con la condición de que ayudaran a mantener limpio el pueblo y así no serían castigados con la cárcel.
Más tarde en el palacio, el rey debía atender algunos asuntos con respecto a la cosecha, por lo que se saltó el almuerzo y prefirió atender sus deberes.
La princesa se estaba aburriendo esperando en el bosque junto al árbol. Ya había cantado, bailado y hasta recolectado algunas flores para obsequiarlas a su madre.
Otro problema es que su estómago estaba empezando a rugir, pues tenía un poco de hambre. Decidió comer uno de los sándwiches que había preparado para ella y su padre. Dejaría el pastel de pollo, que la amable cocinera había preparado para ella, en la cesta para cuando llegara el rey al bosque.
Luego de comer y leer un poco, la pequeña princesa se quedó dormida al pie del árbol de cerezo, mientras caía el atardecer. Completamente dormida no se dio cuenta de que un cachorro pantera se acercó a su cesta de picnic y sin hacer ruido, se comió todo el pastel de pollo que había dentro.
Quedando completamente satisfecho, y con algunas migajas en su carita esponjosa y negra, se acurrucó a un lado de la princesa y sobre el vestido de ella se durmió de igual manera.
Para cuando terminaron los asuntos que debía supervisar el rey ese día, fue cuando escuchó el rugido estruendoso de su estómago. Todos sus guardias reales apenas pudieron contener la risa, por lo que el rey se sintió algo avergonzado. Fue cuando decidió acudir a la cena.
En la mesa estaba su esposa, pero no su hija. Para saciar su curiosidad, preguntó:
-¿Amada mía, nuestra hija no va a cenar esta noche?
-No lo sé, querido. Es posible que comiera mucho en el picnic que tuvo contigo hoy. Tal vez eso le hizo doler su pequeña pancita. –dijo la reina un poco desconcertada.
El rey sintió como si todo se detuviera. ¡Había olvidado por completo el picnic y su promesa de asistir al bosque!
Sin dar muchas explicaciones montó en su caballo blanco y cabalgó lo más rápido que pudo hasta el árbol de cerezo que estaba en el bosque.
In the village a group of thieves from another kingdom were being chased by the royal guards. When they were apprehended, the king himself pardoned them on the condition that they would help keep the town clean so they would not be punished with imprisonment.
Later at the palace, the king had to attend to some business regarding the harvest, so he skipped lunch and preferred to attend to his duties.
The princess was getting bored waiting in the forest by the tree. She had already sung, danced and even picked some flowers to present to her mother.
Another problem was that her stomach was starting to growl, as she was a bit hungry. She decided to eat one of the sandwiches she had prepared for her and her father. She would leave the chicken pie, which the kind cook had prepared for her, in the basket for when the king arrived in the forest.
After eating and reading a little, the little princess fell asleep at the foot of the cherry tree as dusk fell. Completely asleep she did not notice that a panther cub approached her picnic basket and without making a sound, ate all the chicken pie inside.
Being completely satisfied, and with a few crumbs on his little black fluffy face, he curled up on one side of the princess and on top of her dress he fell asleep just the same.
By the time the business the king had to oversee that day was finished, that's when he heard the rumbling roar of his stomach. All his royal guards could barely contain their laughter, so the king felt somewhat embarrassed. That's when he decided to go to dinner.
At the table was his wife, but not his daughter. To satiate his curiosity, he asked:
-My beloved, is our daughter not dining tonight?
-I don't know, my dear. It is possible that she ate too much at the picnic she had with you today. Maybe that made her little tummy ache. -said the queen a little puzzled.
The king felt as if everything had stopped. He had completely forgotten about the picnic and his promise to go to the forest!
Without much explanation he mounted his white horse and rode as fast as he could to the cherry tree in the forest.
Mientras tanto, la pequeña princesa despertó de su siesta. Pero se sintió muy triste al ver que ya era de noche y su padre, el rey no había llegado aún. También sintió un poco de miedo al darse cuenta de que había oscurecido y a pesar de que su piel podía brillar un poco en la oscuridad, nunca había estado tan tarde en el bosque, sola. No fue sino hasta que intentó ponerse de pie, que reparó en el pequeño bulto negro y esponjoso sobre su vestido largo.
Bostezando torpemente, la pequeña pantera despertó y se acercó aún más para buscar caricias. La princesa olvidó momentáneamente su miedo mientras acariciaba al felino junto a ella. También le pareció gracioso al saber que ese pequeño travieso había devorado el resto de la comida.
Para cuando había terminado de recoger todo y debatirse si podía o no llevar a su nuevo amigo al palacio, escuchó un caballo aproximándose a ella. Un poco más cerca y su rostro se llenó de alegría al reconocer a su padre. Su piel ahora brillaba con más intensidad debido a su felicidad.
-¡Padre! ¡Viniste!
En un movimiento, el rey había bajado del caballo y abrazado a la princesa hada.
-Lo lamento, princesa. Disculpa a este viejo rey por olvidar el picnic que planeaste para los dos.
Sin embargo, la niña no estaba triste ni enojada. De hecho, ella estaba sonriendo. –Tranquilo, entiendo que ser rey es muy duro. Pero cumpliste tu promesa. ¡Viniste! Y eso es lo que importa.
-Hija, tenías razón. Debo descansar un poco. Y si quiero pasar más tiempo compartiendo contigo y con tu madre. –El rey se había asustado mucho al pensar que la princesa estaba sola en el bosque oscuro, porque él había olvidado su invitación. – A partir de mañana pasaremos más tiempo padre e hija. Lo prometo.
-Te creo padre. Gracias. ¿Ahora podemos ir al palacio? Muero de hambre y mi nuevo amigo se comió el resto de la comida que había traído. -dijo la princesa hada riendo.
Bostezando torpemente, la pequeña pantera despertó y se acercó aún más para buscar caricias. La princesa olvidó momentáneamente su miedo mientras acariciaba al felino junto a ella. También le pareció gracioso al saber que ese pequeño travieso había devorado el resto de la comida.
Para cuando había terminado de recoger todo y debatirse si podía o no llevar a su nuevo amigo al palacio, escuchó un caballo aproximándose a ella. Un poco más cerca y su rostro se llenó de alegría al reconocer a su padre. Su piel ahora brillaba con más intensidad debido a su felicidad.
-¡Padre! ¡Viniste!
En un movimiento, el rey había bajado del caballo y abrazado a la princesa hada.
-Lo lamento, princesa. Disculpa a este viejo rey por olvidar el picnic que planeaste para los dos.
Sin embargo, la niña no estaba triste ni enojada. De hecho, ella estaba sonriendo. –Tranquilo, entiendo que ser rey es muy duro. Pero cumpliste tu promesa. ¡Viniste! Y eso es lo que importa.
-Hija, tenías razón. Debo descansar un poco. Y si quiero pasar más tiempo compartiendo contigo y con tu madre. –El rey se había asustado mucho al pensar que la princesa estaba sola en el bosque oscuro, porque él había olvidado su invitación. – A partir de mañana pasaremos más tiempo padre e hija. Lo prometo.
-Te creo padre. Gracias. ¿Ahora podemos ir al palacio? Muero de hambre y mi nuevo amigo se comió el resto de la comida que había traído. -dijo la princesa hada riendo.
Meanwhile, the little princess woke up from her nap. But she felt very sad to see that it was already night and her father, the king had not yet arrived. She also felt a little scared when she realized that it had gotten dark and even though her skin could glow a little in the dark, she had never been so late in the forest, alone. It wasn't until she tried to stand up, that she noticed the small, black, fluffy lump on her long dress.
Yawning awkwardly, the little panther awoke and moved even closer to seek caresses. The princess momentarily forgot her fear as she petted the feline next to her. She also found it amusing to learn that the naughty little feline had devoured the rest of the food.
By the time she had finished gathering everything and debating whether or not she could take her new friend to the palace, she heard a horse approaching her. A little closer and her face filled with joy as she recognized her father. Her skin now glowed brighter from her happiness.
-Father, you came!
In one movement, the king had climbed down from the horse and embraced the fairy princess.
-I'm sorry, princess. Forgive this old king for forgetting the picnic you planned for the two of us.
However, the girl was neither sad or angry. In fact, she was smiling. -Relax, I understand that being a king is very hard. But you kept your promise. You came! And that's what matters.
-Daughter, you were right. I must get some rest. And if I want to spend more time sharing with you and your mother. -The king had been very frightened to think that the princess was alone in the dark forest, because he had forgotten his invitation. - From tomorrow we will spend more time father and daughter. I promise.
-I believe you, father. Thank you. Now can we go to the palace? I'm starving and my new friend ate the rest of the food I had brought.-said the fairy princess laughing.
Yawning awkwardly, the little panther awoke and moved even closer to seek caresses. The princess momentarily forgot her fear as she petted the feline next to her. She also found it amusing to learn that the naughty little feline had devoured the rest of the food.
By the time she had finished gathering everything and debating whether or not she could take her new friend to the palace, she heard a horse approaching her. A little closer and her face filled with joy as she recognized her father. Her skin now glowed brighter from her happiness.
-Father, you came!
In one movement, the king had climbed down from the horse and embraced the fairy princess.
-I'm sorry, princess. Forgive this old king for forgetting the picnic you planned for the two of us.
However, the girl was neither sad or angry. In fact, she was smiling. -Relax, I understand that being a king is very hard. But you kept your promise. You came! And that's what matters.
-Daughter, you were right. I must get some rest. And if I want to spend more time sharing with you and your mother. -The king had been very frightened to think that the princess was alone in the dark forest, because he had forgotten his invitation. - From tomorrow we will spend more time father and daughter. I promise.
-I believe you, father. Thank you. Now can we go to the palace? I'm starving and my new friend ate the rest of the food I had brought.-said the fairy princess laughing.
Juntos regresaron al palacio sobre el caballo. El rey le había permitido a la princesa llevar con ellos a la pequeña pantera. Con la condición de que lo cuidara mucho, y que tenía que ir al bosque cada ciertos días por si aparecía su madre a buscarlo.
Together they rode back to the palace on the horse. The king had allowed the princess to take the little panther with them. On the condition that she would take good care of him, and that she had to go to the forest every few days in case his mother showed up to look for him.
Pasado un tiempo, el rey cumplió su segunda promesa compartiendo más tiempo con su familia. Aprendió a tomar un tiempo para descansar y disfrutar de su familia. Sin noticias de la mama pantera, el pequeño felino esponjoso creció para ser el mejor amigo de la princesa. La pequeña pantera protegía a la niña y dormía debajo de su cama. Ambos jugaban juntos cuando la familia real tenía un picnic familiar en el bosque, lo cual era seguido.
Ahora no solo el pueblo estaba en armonía, sino que también el rey y su familia estaban felices. Además, las noches en las que el rey leía un cuento a la princesa antes de dormir volvieron. La familia estaba más unida y feliz que nunca.
Todo el reino estaba en paz. Tras ese día del picnic fallido, la princesa entendió que a pesar de todos los obstáculos que se puedan presentar, una promesa jamás debe romperse. Y que a pesar de todo, nunca se debe olvidar lo más importante que existe en nuestra vida. Pues eso es lo que alegra nuestro corazón, dándonos la fuerza para vivir feliz. La princesa sabía que sin importar lo que pasara, sus padres siempre estarían para ella y eso dibujaba una sonrisa en su rostro cada noche antes de caer dormida.
Ahora no solo el pueblo estaba en armonía, sino que también el rey y su familia estaban felices. Además, las noches en las que el rey leía un cuento a la princesa antes de dormir volvieron. La familia estaba más unida y feliz que nunca.
Todo el reino estaba en paz. Tras ese día del picnic fallido, la princesa entendió que a pesar de todos los obstáculos que se puedan presentar, una promesa jamás debe romperse. Y que a pesar de todo, nunca se debe olvidar lo más importante que existe en nuestra vida. Pues eso es lo que alegra nuestro corazón, dándonos la fuerza para vivir feliz. La princesa sabía que sin importar lo que pasara, sus padres siempre estarían para ella y eso dibujaba una sonrisa en su rostro cada noche antes de caer dormida.
After a while, the king fulfilled his second promise by sharing more time with his family. He learned to take time to rest and enjoy his family. With no news from the mama panther, the little fluffy feline grew up to be the princess's best friend. The little panther protected the little girl and slept under her bed. The two played together when the royal family had a family picnic in the forest, which was often.
Now not only were the people in harmony, but also the king and his family were happy. In addition, the nights when the king would read a bedtime story to the princess were back. The family was more united and happy than ever.
The whole kingdom was at peace. After that day of the failed picnic, the princess understood that despite all the obstacles that may arise, a promise should never be broken. And that in spite of everything, one should never forget the most important thing that exists in our life. For that is what gladdens our heart, giving us the strength to live happily. The princess knew that no matter what happened, her parents would always be there for her and that brought a smile to her face every night before she fell asleep.
Now not only were the people in harmony, but also the king and his family were happy. In addition, the nights when the king would read a bedtime story to the princess were back. The family was more united and happy than ever.
The whole kingdom was at peace. After that day of the failed picnic, the princess understood that despite all the obstacles that may arise, a promise should never be broken. And that in spite of everything, one should never forget the most important thing that exists in our life. For that is what gladdens our heart, giving us the strength to live happily. The princess knew that no matter what happened, her parents would always be there for her and that brought a smile to her face every night before she fell asleep.
Ultima nota: Disculpen de antemano si el cuento no es tan magnífico o le falta mucho que pulir. Es mi primer cuento infantil y eso es nuevo para mi. De todos modos, pueden dejarme sus críticas constructivas en los comentarios. Gracias.
Last note: Apologies in advance if the story is not so great or lacks a lot of polish. It is my first children's story and that is new to me. Anyway, you can leave me your constructive criticism in the comments. Thank you.
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The writing is good for everyone and photo is nice what you say in living everyday.
Thanks. That was the point. Parents sometimes do not realize that they are too busy to be with their children.
He can find money to us in the activities for living in everyday.
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