My Five Minutes of Free Writing #58 / you are a leader



Leadership is exciting and is one of the positions that many people long to have, but not everyone knows how to handle. Being a leader is not a matter of emotion or of wanting to dominate a certain group.

Much has been written about leadership trying to separate what it is to be a leader and what it is to be a boss, both facets tend to be confused, a boss can become a leader and thus make his team more efficient.

I have been a leader of a congregation for more than seven years, and in this time I have had to learn from scratch what it means to become an example to earn the respect of a group and get them to follow you, to trust you knowing that you will not let them down.

Being a leader implies opening the path where others will walk later, always being at the forefront of challenges and not just sitting down and entrusting the task to someone, it is knowing that if others stay, you must keep moving forward even if you are broken inside.

Leadership implies sacrifice, dedication, solidarity, empathy, leadership implies being able to work under pressure, learning to solve problems, leadership implies mastering emotional intelligence.

The leader prioritizes the team and not himself, the leader motivates, encourages, the leader empowers. When you have leadership skills you are able to get good results because you will get the team to give its best performance in each day or project.

Personally I think that to be a leader there are two fundamental things, to have the natural talent and to add the formation and training to improve that leadership capacity that you have, it is possible that there are many people that have leadership capacity, however they grew up and were formed in the middle of a hostile environment, with a distorted vision of leadership, this makes them behave more like an inquisitive boss than a genuine leader.

This is where training in the area of personal relationships, dealing with people and emotional intelligence is important, if we improve these aspects we can get to the point that the people around us or the group we work with can get to say "you are a leader".

Let me know what you think!