My Five Minutes of Free Writing #61 / private nurse



In Venezuela as in other countries the situation often forces you to have to do different activities to support your family, studying various professions is an option for those fighters who want to get ahead although sometimes this is not enough, like now.

I have a sister who is an educator, she studied this career after working for several years as a nurse, a very noble profession, today she works half time as a nurse and the other half time as a teacher, a very hard working woman.

Now... I remember perfectly the years that she worked in the laboratory of the hospital where she works, this woman became the private nurse of the town where we lived, this due to the lack of transportation and the difficulty to go to the municipal capital where she works.

This action was criticized by some, however, well seen and valued by the majority, because if someone got sick and needed laboratory tests, she would gladly bring the tubes for the samples, take the samples at her house, take them to the laboratory and when she finished, she would bring them the results.

The same thing would happen when someone needed wound care and other things. Having a private nurse is a great blessing and an advantage for those of us who had transportation difficulties to get to the nearest hospital.

I don't know if this practice was loyal or not, but I am sure it was fair and humane, remembering that not everything legal is fair. In this way she served the people who were happy to have a private nurse to help them whenever they needed it.

Now you can imagine what a blessing this was for us, her family, who always had the help of our sister in case of an emergency and we had our private nurse.

Let me know what you think!


A private nurse who is a sister is a blessing, she takes care of you for free till you are feeling better, nurses are admirable people in the world.

Hello friend, thank you for your comment. Yes, having a nurse who can help you in the midst of an illness, who comes to your home and is willing to help you is a great blessing.

Right, thank you too for sharing the post with us.

Great freewrite story, a complete story actually, almost as though you had time to think about it.