Una imagen vale más que mil palabras //A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words[ESP/ENG]

in Freewriterslast year
Feliz Noche para toda la comunidad de #hive. Agradecida con #Freewriters #Freewritehouse por estos concursos que me apasionan

Qué veo

Un atardecer impresionante con un cielo de color rosado clarito y abajo las nubes. Una cueva donde llegan las olas envueltas en espuma, muchas rocas medianas que están mojadas por las olas y las más pequeñitas más adentro y una gran roca que parece una pierna con dedos largos y delgado que tocas las olas que se vienen.


Que sientes

Miedo porque realmente no me gusta mucho el mar y desde una cueva menos y la forma que veo de la roca más miedo me da. Eso lo siento. Me parece que va a venir una ola demasiado grande y nos va a atrapar en la cueva. Digo nos van a atrapar, porque yo para llegar a un sitio así tengo que ir acompañada y mientras más compañía tenga mejor.

Mi Historia

El Miedo

Un grupo de amigos decidieron salir de paseo a la playa. Van a ir cuatro carros. Cuando ya estaban todos listos para arrancar, Michael les dijo, una de las chicas.
— Escuchen, saben los juegos de agarrar y zumbarme al agua, no me gusta. No me voy a bañar. Conmigo no.
— Otra cosa me asustan mucho las olas y si traen altura más. Espero su comprensión.
— ¿Entendido?
Todos se rieron de ella.
— De verdad se pueden jugar ustedes como quiera en el mar, pero conmigo no.
Se volvieron a reír y dijo Alberto
— Nos vamos o vamos a seguir escuchando a Michael.
— Listo todos a su carro.
Prendan motores, dijo Alberto.

Todo va muy bien en la vía. No paramos hasta llegar a la playa. Arreglaron todos.
Tres de los muchachos se metieron a la playa de una vez. Y dijo Alberto, recuerden que es un solo día, regresamos hoy mismo.

Pasado un rato ya se habían bañado todos menos Michael.. Dos de las muchachas le dijeron a vamos a caminar.
— ¿Vienes?
— Sí. Si

Se paró y comenzaron a caminar, dos de los amigos le preguntaron para dónde van y le dijeron a caminar. Ellos dijeron, vamos con ustedes. Y se unieron al grupo.
Los demás se quedaron bañando y otros sentados en la carpa tomando algo y hablando.

Los muchachos se salieron de la playa, comenzaron a ver el cielo como a oscurecer y también vieron que las otras personas también salieron. La playa se quedó sola rápidamente. Y cuando llegaron a la carpa ya no estaban las muchachas y le preguntaron a los dos que estaban sentados,
— Y las muchachas?.
— Nosotros pensamos que estaba aquí en la carpa.
— ellas se fueron a caminar y se le agregaron Alberto y Jonathan

Nosotros no salimos porque el tiempo se está poniendo feo. Ojalá regresen rápido.



La conversación de los muchachos y las muchachas estaba muy amena, todos iban distraídos hablando cuando de repente se puso oscuro el tiempo y muy feo.



Y Michael dice, hay que regresar. Se puso muy oscuro, vamos a devolvernos ya desde aquí Cuando voltean, no ven nada conocido. Se dieron cuenta habían caminado mucho.
— ¿Cuánto caminamos? Pregunto Michael
Y comienza a llover. Vieron hacia un lado y se veía como una cueva.
— Michael dice vamos a escampar ahí
Salieron todo corriendo y se metieron en la cueva.
Veían como las olas pegaban fuerte sobre una roca.



Comenzó a llover más fuerte y más fuerte y cada vez el tiempo más oscuro.
La marea comenzó a subir y comenzó a meterse para la cueva.
Michael no hablaba. Estaba muy asustada al igual que todos.
Temblaban de frío. Una de las chicas preguntó
— ¿Alguno trajo celular para llamar a Raúl?
Todos dijeron
— No
Ya la angustia los estaba atacando a todo, tanto los chicos como las chicas y no dejaba de llover.

Mientras los demás compañeros que se quedaron en la playa. Sorprendidos como se puso el cielo de oscuro.

Porque no regresan los muchachos, dijo Raúl. La marea seguía subiendo. Decidieron recoger la carpa y se fueron a buscar refugio. Ahí comenzaron a preguntar que había hacia adelante que sirva para refugiarse de esta lluvia, si caminaron sin darse cuenta. Dijo un señor.
— Deben haber llegado a una cueva que hay más adelante.

Pero el problema de esa cueva es que si la marea sube se mete a la cueva. Las tres muchachas y cuatro muchachos. Todo se pusieron las manos en la cabeza. Y asustado porque no les fuera a pasar nada malo. Siguió lloviendo y no paraba

En la cueva los cinco estaba muy asustados, pero ninguno hablaba, no decían ni una palabra. Se sentaron en una roca que había en lo más alto. Todavía no llegaba el agua a ellos. Ya habían pasado dos horas de lluvia y comenzó más fuerte la lluvia. Es ahí que vieron que el agua comenzaba a tocar la roca donde estaban. Comenzó a decir Michael.
— Ahora que vamos a hacer.
— Y el agua va a llegar a nosotros y no escampa.

Mientras que en la playa ya los muchachos estaban reunidos con el grupo de rescate que lo van a salir a buscarlos.
Le preguntaron a uno de los muchachos.
— Cuantos son los que están desaparecidos.
— Son cinco, tres muchachas y dos muchachos.
El rescatista les dijo
— Por favor no se muevan de aquí.
— No busque más peligro.
— Volveremos con ellos.
—Nosotros volveremos con ellos

Se fueron caminando, porque sabían donde podían estar
Y llevaban todo lo que creían necesario.
Entre esas cosas llevaban mantas y algunos impermeables.

Pasaron unos 45 minutos cuando vieron a lo lejos que venían todos los seis rescatista junto a los amigos.
Salieron corriendo los muchachos y todos se abrazaron en medio de la lluvia.



Generador G



Happy evening to the entire #hive community. Grateful to #Freewriters #Freewritehouse for these contests that I'm so passionate about.

What I see

A stunning sunset with a light pink sky and clouds below. A cave where the waves arrive wrapped in foam, many medium sized rocks that are wet by the waves and the smallest ones further inside and a big rock that looks like a leg with long thin fingers that touch the waves coming in.


What do you feel

Fear because I really don't like the sea much and from a cave even less and the shape I see of the rock scares me more. That's what I feel. It seems to me that a wave is going to come too big and it's going to trap us in the cave. I say we are going to be trapped, because to get to a place like this I have to be accompanied and the more company I have the better.

My Story

The Fear

A group of friends decided to go on a trip to the beach. They are going to go four cars. When they were all ready to start, Michael said to them, one of the girls.
— Listen, you know the games of grabbing and buzzing me into the water, I don't like it. I'm not taking a bath. Not with me.
— Another thing I'm very scared of the waves and if they bring more height. I hope you understand.
— Do you understand?
Everyone laughed at her.
— You can really play as you like in the sea, but not with me.
They laughed again and Alberto said
— We are leaving or we are going to continue listening to Michael.
— Ready, everybody to your car.
Start the engines, said Alberto.

Everything is going very well on the road. We don't stop until we get to the beach. They all got ready.
Three of the boys went to the beach at once. And Alberto said, remember that it is only one day, we return today.

After a while, they had all gone swimming, except Michael. Two of the girls said let's go for a walk.
— Are you coming?
— Yes, we are.

He stood up and they started to walk, two of the friends asked him where they were going and told him to walk. They said, let's go with you. And they joined the group.
The others stayed bathing and others sat in the tent drinking something and talking.

The boys got out of the beach, they started to see the sky getting dark and they also saw the other people also got out. The beach quickly became lonely. And when they arrived at the tent, the girls were gone and they asked the two who were sitting there, "What about the girls?
— What about the girls?
— We thought they were here in the tent.
— They went for a walk and were joined by Alberto and Jonathan.

We didn't go out because the weather is getting bad. Hopefully they will be back soon.



The conversation of the boys and girls was very pleasant, everyone was distracted talking when suddenly the weather turned dark and very ugly.



And Michael says, we have to go back. It got too dark, let's turn back already from here When they turn around, they don't see anything familiar. They realized they had walked a long way.

— How far did we walk? Michael asks
And it starts to rain. They looked to the side and it looked like a cave.
Michael said, "We're going to camp there.
They all ran out and went into the cave.
They saw how the waves were hitting hard on a rock.



It began to rain harder and harder and harder and the weather got darker and darker.
The tide began to rise and began to come in for the cave.
Michael did not speak. She was very frightened as was everyone else.
They were shivering from the cold. One of the girls asked
— Did anyone bring a cell phone to call Raul?
They all said
— No, they didn't.
Already the anguish was attacking them all, both boys and girls, and it did not stop raining.

Meanwhile, the rest of the teammates who stayed on the beach were surprised at how it was raining. Surprised as the sky turned dark.

Why don't the boys come back," said Raul. The tide was still rising. They decided to pack up the tent and went to seek shelter. There they began to ask what was ahead to take shelter from this rain, if they walked without realizing it. Said one man.
— They must have reached a cave up ahead.

But the problem with that cave is that if the tide comes in, it goes into the cave. The three girls and four boys. They all put their hands on their heads. And scared that nothing bad was going to happen to them. It kept raining and it didn't stop.

In the cave the five were very scared, but none of them spoke, they didn't say a word. They sat on a rock at the top of the cave. The water had not yet reached them. Two hours of rain had already passed and the rain began to fall harder. That's when they saw that the water began to touch the rock where they were. Michael began to say.

But the problem with that cave is that if the tide comes in, it goes into the cave. The three girls and four boys. They all put their hands on their heads. And scared that nothing bad was going to happen to them. It kept raining and it didn't stop.

In the cave the five were very scared, but none of them spoke, they didn't say a word. They sat on a rock at the top of the cave. The water had not yet reached them. Two hours of rain had already passed and the rain began to fall harder. That's when they saw that the water began to touch the rock where they were. Michael began to say.

— Now what are we going to do.
— And the water is going to reach us and it won't let up.

While on the beach, the boys were already meeting with the rescue team that was going out to look for them.
They asked one of the boys.

— How many are missing?
—There are five, three girls and two boys.
The rescuer told them
— Please don't move from here.
— Don't look for any more danger.
— We will return with them.
— We will go back with them.

They walked away, because they knew where they could be.
And they carried everything they thought they needed.
Among those things they carried blankets and some raincoats.

About 45 minutes passed when they saw in the distance that all six rescuers were coming with their friends.
The boys ran out and they all hugged each other in the rain.

Now what are we going to do.
And the water is going to reach us and it won't let up.

While on the beach, the boys were already meeting with the rescue team that was going out to look for them.
They asked one of the boys.

— How many are missing?
— There are five, three girls and two boys.

The rescuer told them
—Please don't move from here.
— Don't look for any more danger.
— We will return with them.
— We will go back with them.

They walked away, because they knew where they could be.
And they carried everything they thought they needed.
Among those things they carried blankets and some raincoats.

About 45 minutes passed when they saw in the distance that all six rescuers were coming with their friends.
The boys ran out and they all hugged each other in the rain.



Generator G




Ohhh...the natural cave did shelter them from the turbulent rainfall

Nature rescues

Hi @pearlie123. Thanks for reading my blog. That's right Nature is great and gives us many surprises. With all that it can do. Happy weekend.

Hi @pearlie123. That's right the cave protected them

The translation is a bit messy. Several parts are repeated but I got the picture.

I am not fond of grabbing people, throwing them into the water or sitting on them either.

Thank you for joining pic1000 👍