Mensaje diario de 5 minutos - Cientos de luces parpadeantes - Por JJQF / Daily 5 minute message - Hundreds of twinkling lights - By JJQF

in Freewriterslast year

Fuente: Freepik

Se acerca la navidad y es el momento en el que muchos empiezan a decorar sus casas y a colocar de todo, pues a quien no le gusta decorar de manera bonita su hogar en estas fechas, lo que también vemos es que en las noches las ciudades se llenan de ciento de luces parpadeantes que iluminan edificios, estructuras y árboles para crear un ambiente idóneo.

Lo que se ve años tras años es que estas decoraciones se van superando conforme pasa el tiempo, pues con la innovación en las luces, y con lo que puede ser las tendencias dan lugar a crear decoraciones únicas y que son cada vez mas hermosas, pues era cosa del pasado solamente dejar caer unas luces amarillas de las mas comunes de la vida.

Pues ahora, los colores, las intensidades de brillo y hasta luces controladas por controladores que pueden ser modificados desde un pc o un teléfono, dan espacio a ver escenas cambiantes, escenas que pueden ser dinámicas y crear la sensación de que todo el ambiente se mueve conforme lo vemos, o que puede ser dinámico en cuanto a lo que puede reflejarse en las paredes o en los espacios iluminados.

Y pensar que lentamente, los hologramas cobraran mas fuerzas hasta dar con esta como una tecnología mas accesible en la que todos puedan tener esto disponible, pero solamente imaginemos todo lo que se podrá hacer y como en un futuro podamos estar quizás en ambientes muy inmersivos y lo que quizás veamos hoy sea cosa del pasado.

Fuente: Extraído del blog de @latino.romano para el mensaje diario de 5 minutos.

Este texto corresponde a mi participación en el reto diario del amigo @latino.romano y @mariannewest el cual tiene por regla que pueden ser: pensamientos, relatos, poemas, anécdotas, canciones o cualquier otra cosa que se te ocurra en cinco minutos. Les invito a participar, gracias por leer mi post y llegar hasta esta parte del mismo, gracias por el apoyo y no me despido sin previamente desearte un feliz día, tarde o noche, nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad.

English Translation

Source: Freepik

Christmas is approaching and it is the time when many begin to decorate their homes and place everything, because who does not like to decorate your home beautifully at this time, what we also see is that in the evenings the cities are filled with hundreds of twinkling lights that illuminate buildings, structures and trees to create an ideal environment.

What is seen year after year is that these decorations are getting better as time goes by, because with the innovation in the lights, and with what may be the trends give rise to create unique decorations that are increasingly beautiful, as it was a thing of the past just to drop a few yellow lights of the most common of life.

Well now, colors, brightness intensities and even lights controlled by controllers that can be modified from a pc or a phone, give space to see changing scenes, scenes that can be dynamic and create the feeling that the whole environment moves as we see it, or that can be dynamic in terms of what can be reflected on the walls or in the illuminated spaces.

And to think that slowly, holograms will gain more strength until they become a more accessible technology in which everyone can have this available, but just imagine all that can be done and how in the future we can perhaps be in very immersive environments and what we may see today is a thing of the past.

Source: Extracted from @latino.romano's blog for the 5 minutes daily message.

This text corresponds to my participation in the daily challenge of my friend @latino.romano and @mariannewest which has as a rule that can be: thoughts, stories, poems, anecdotes, songs or anything else that comes to mind in five minutes. I invite you to participate, thank you for reading my post and get to this part of it, thanks for the support and I do not say goodbye without wishing you a happy day afternoon or evening, see you in a next opportunity.


Thanks for the English translation! And for posting via Hive. I have yet to get into PeakD or any of the alternatives to Hive.
LED lights have rendered many strings of my old Christmas lights obsolete. I shall donate them to charity. And start over with energy-efficient lighting.
Or not. The old ones have been with me for so long, and the LEDs are not as warm a light....

Greetings @carolkean, I usually use this front end more than anything to publish, and there is no reason why I like to publish in English so that in a way anyone can read me beyond just spanish.

As for what you say about the lights you are right, the LEDs are better in that aspect, and recently I have seen on the internet that there are some that simulate that "vintage" look of the old lights, which gives that warm touch instead of the garish brightness that usually bring these.

The truth is that if it would be great to try these, but at least in my country (Venezuela) I have not seen them, but at least the LEDs of decent quality last for years, and you do not have to be changing them, as it happens with the traditional ones.

Sorry for the delay in responding, I have had busy days and I had not noticed the comment until today, thank you very much for your comment and support, God bless you and happy night.