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RE: Mensaje diario de 5 minutos - Cientos de luces parpadeantes - Por JJQF / Daily 5 minute message - Hundreds of twinkling lights - By JJQF

in Freewriterslast year

Greetings @carolkean, I usually use this front end more than anything to publish, and there is no reason why I like to publish in English so that in a way anyone can read me beyond just spanish.

As for what you say about the lights you are right, the LEDs are better in that aspect, and recently I have seen on the internet that there are some that simulate that "vintage" look of the old lights, which gives that warm touch instead of the garish brightness that usually bring these.

The truth is that if it would be great to try these, but at least in my country (Venezuela) I have not seen them, but at least the LEDs of decent quality last for years, and you do not have to be changing them, as it happens with the traditional ones.

Sorry for the delay in responding, I have had busy days and I had not noticed the comment until today, thank you very much for your comment and support, God bless you and happy night.