Código rupestre (freewrite) [Esp / Eng]

in Freewriters3 years ago

Cuando entramos a la casa, intentamos ponernos en contacto con él para comunicarle los eventos que se avecinaban. Era una tarea difícil, primero porque la reunión familiar en curso no era del tipo festiva, y segundo porque evidentemente no éramos familiares de él, así que tendríamos que improvisar para lograr el cometido.

Rápidamente llamó mi atención lo austero del ambiente, con muebles aburridos y nada de decoración, salvo por un par de cuadros con la fotografía de un político prominente.

—¿Quiénes son ustedes? —preguntó una mujer de edad avanzada que se acercó a recibirnos. Uno pudiera pensar que diría algo como “buenas noches”, pero lo cierto es que no tocamos a la puerta de forma habitual, solo entramos hasta el pasillo que conducía a la sala como si tuviéramos derecho a hacerlo.

—Buscamos a Nicola —dije sin vacilar y con tono malhumorado. No me decidía si usar la excusa de ser parte de una comisión del gobierno o tomar el rol de un miembro de la mafia. Pero según nuestras instrucciones, teníamos que entrar hasta el pasillo si queríamos que nuestro encuentro con Nicola fuera efectivo.

Un sujeto apareció detrás de la mujer, formido como un toro, y tan alto que casi tocaba el techo con su cabeza. Nos miró desafiante y preguntó:

—¿Quiénes son ustedes?

Afortunadamente, Nicola alcanzó a escucharnos, y se acercó para ver quien lo buscaba.

—¿Quiénes son ustedes? Yo soy Nicola —dijo sin mostrar miedo. Después de todo, se sentía respaldado por el gigante musculoso que estaba con la anciana. Pero esto ya estaba previsto.

Mi compañero dio un paso al frente, miró a la anciana y al grandulón, y dejó salir un par de frases en alemán. Las palabras que dijo, eran las exactas que debía decir según el guión que nos dieron, aunque su acento era terriblemente malo.

—No entiendo lo que dice su amigo —me señaló Nicola.

La anciana dijo algo en ruso al enorme sujeto detrás de ella, luego de eso se retiró del lugar. Yo saqué la copia del dibujo que llevaba en mi bolsillo, y mostrándola a ellos expliqué:

—Estamos aquí por esta pintura. Como puede darse cuenta, le conviene colaborar con nosotros señor Nicola.

Nicola se quedó estupefacto al ver el dibujo. El asombro era evidente en su rostro. Sin embargo, yo sabía que en su mente había más confusión, que una idea clara sobre el significado de todo este asunto.

—¿Dónde podemos hablar? —pregunté educadamente.

Nicola tardó unos segundos en responder, y luego nos condujo a una habitación dentro de la casa.

Esta es mi participación para el proyecto freewrite de @freewritehouse. El tema en el que se basa el escrito es: “Pinturas rupestres”

When we entered the house, we tried to get in touch with him to let him know about the upcoming events. It was a difficult task, first because the family reunion in progress was not of the festive type, and second because we were obviously not related to him, so we would have to improvise to accomplish the task.

I was quickly struck by the austere atmosphere, with dull furniture and no decoration, except for a couple of pictures with the photograph of a prominent politician.

-Who are you? -asked an elderly woman who came up to greet us. You would think she would say something like "good evening", but the truth is that we didn't knock on the door in the usual way, we just walked into the hallway leading to the living room as if we had the right to do so.

-We're looking for Nicola," I said without hesitation and in a grumpy tone. I couldn't decide whether to use the excuse of being part of a government commission or to take on the role of a member of the mafia. But according to our instructions, we had to go all the way into the hallway if we wanted our meeting with Nicola to be effective.

A guy appeared behind the woman, built like a bull, and so tall that he almost touched the ceiling with his head. He looked at us defiantly and asked:

-Who are you?

Fortunately, Nicola heard us, and came closer to see who was looking for him.

-Who are you? I am Nicola," he said without fear. After all, he felt supported by the muscular giant with the old woman. But this was foreseen.

My companion stepped forward, looked at the old woman and the big guy, and let out a couple of sentences in German. The words he said, were the exact words he was supposed to say according to the script we were given, although his accent was terribly bad.

-I don't understand what your friend is saying," Nicola pointed out to me.

The old woman said something in Russian to the huge guy behind her, after that she left the place. I took out the copy of the drawing I had in my pocket, and showing it to them I explained:

-We are here for this painting. As you can see, it is in your interest to collaborate with us, Mr. Nicola.

Nicola was stunned when he saw the drawing. The astonishment was evident on his face. However, I knew that in his mind there was more confusion than a clear idea about the meaning of the whole thing.

-Where can we talk? -I asked politely.

Nicola took a few seconds to respond, and then led us to a room inside the house.

This is my entry for the @freewritehouse freewrite project. The topic on which the writeup is based is: "Cave Paintings."

Fediverso: https://dline.xyz/latinoromano

Escrito original de G. J. Villegas @latino.romano

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Buen ejercicio. Fluyó la idea! Éxitos.

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