A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Contest # 2.La Maldición.

in Freewriters3 years ago


Hello hivers again participating Frewriters Contest number 2,it consists of writing a piece of writing or answering some questions around a given image,I invite you to participate,I leave you the link:


A man bought a house in a neighborhood of wealthy people,the house belonged to a very important lady,however since moving in the gentleman began to feel strange movements in the house,noises in the kitchen,shadows in the window,at first he thought he was stressed,it was all a figment of his imagination.

In the garage there was a car which he got along with the house,it had belonged to the former owner,although she had her own car,he thought one day : Why not,I have to use it for that I bought it,needless to say the car was a beautiful old BMW,black in color,he said to himself : A little funereal for my taste,but what does it matter,it's just a car.

One day when he was driving,he tried to turn on the radio,it took him a while to turn it on,it made some strange noises,maybe because of so much time without using it,suddenly while driving he heard a voice saying:You are so stupid,did you think you would get rid of me? I told you clearly when you murdered me that I would follow you to wherever you were and take revenge,the frightened man was trying in vain to turn off the radio,he looked everywhere when he saw the shadow in the back he was so frightened that he lost control of the car and lost his life in the accident.

Moral: If you do wrong,wait for your end.
What do I see?
A man driving a car,worried,nervous,clueless,trying to look for something or turn on the car radio.
What do I feel?
There is something dark in this story haha,inspiration to unleash my creativity.
Thanks to Freewriters for these contests that awaken our muses.See you down the road.


Hola hivers nuevamente participando el Concurso número 2 de Frewriters,consiste en escribir un escrito o responder algunas preguntas en torno a una imagen dada,los invito a participar,les dejo el link:


Un hombre compró una casa en un vecindario de gente adinerada,la casa perteneció a una señora muy importante,sin embargo desde que se mudó el señor empezó a sentir movimientos extraños en la casa,ruidos en la cocina,sombras en la ventana,al principio pensó que estaba estresado,todo era producto de su imaginación.

En el garaje había un carro el cual obtuvo junto con la casa,había pertenecido a la antigua dueña,aunque tenía su propio carro,pensó un día: Porque no,tengo que usarlo para eso lo compré,demás está decir que el carro era un hermoso BMW antiguo,de color negro,se dijo : Un poco fúnebre para mi gusto,pero que importa,es solo un carro.

Un día cuando se encontraba manejando,probó encender la radio,tardó un poco al hacerlo,esta emitió algunos ruidos extraños,tal vez por tanto tiempo sin usar,de repente mientras manejaba escuchó una voz que decía:¡Eres tan tonto!, ¿acaso pensaste que te librarías de mi? ¡te dije claramente cuando me asesinaste que te seguiría hasta donde te encontraras y me vengaría!,el hombre asustado trataba en vano de apagar la radio,miró hacia todos lados cuando vio la sombra en la parte de atrás se atemorizó tanto que perdió el control del carro y perdió la vida en el accidente.

Moraleja: Si obras mal,espera tu final.
¿Qué es lo que veo?
Un hombre manejando un carro,preocupado, nervioso,despistado, tratando de buscar algo o encender la radio del carro.
¿Qué es lo que siento?
Hay algo oscuro en esta historia jaja,inspiración para dar rienda suelta a mi creatividad.
Gracias a Freewriters por estos concursos que despiertan a nuestras musas.Nos vemos en el camino.

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Yo veo a la esposa regañando al señor porque no le gusta su música. También me recordó al post que compartió @tripode cuando chocó por cambiarle a la radio.

jaja depende del cristal con el que se mire,ohh no leí el de @tripode ni idea ,gracias vale por el apoyo,un abrazo.

hahahahahahahahahaha ayyy que maloo. Pero si fue épico

Omg! 😂 Your story is funny and a little scary! What? A ghost from the man's past? Oh no. That means he did a terrible thing in past and thought he could run away form it. Nicely written! Good luck in the contest 🙂

haha,a little suspense doesn't go amiss,exactly he has a dark past.greetings from the beautiful island of Margarita.

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This is a very impressive write-up and it is also an interesting thing to read because it is filled with morals about things that are going on in our life today.

It is a pity that the first instinct of many people in this world is all about killing their neighbors so that they will take over.

It is not an acceptable thing so anyone that commits such should sit back and wait for his punishment

Nice story dear.
Hugs from JOS, the coldest city in Nigerian 😋

Hello friend, that's right, many kill out of greed, but justice always comes, whoever does wrong will hope badly.

Me gustó mucho tu relato!! De verdad que tuviste mucha imaginación y está bien pensado!!

Hola mi linda,jaja,un poco de chispa,para no ir por el camino obvio jaja,gracias por la flor.

Oh wow! He thought he has was free, not knowing the consequences of his crimes will come back to haunt him.
Serves him right😂
Such a simple and nice story.
It's so cool that you also left a moral lesson.
Way to go Marito!

ohh thank you flatters me coming from you, you are very intelligent and critical zanoz, but of the good ones and I love that, you will have many successes here in hive.

You even flattered me the more Thank you Marito dear!