Day 1081: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: fake news

The people in power said it was all fake. That it was not that bad. There was no need to shut down travel and tourism. That it would be xenophobic to turn away our friends from China.

That it would be like being a bad neighbor if we would close our doors.

"All you need is to boost your immune system" said the gecko-looking lawyer.

"If we only ban the Chinese then we are blaming this on them when in fact they are also victims." said the quack doctor who only saw dollar signs.

"If I see the virus I'll slap it so hard!" said the tough looking dog.

Photo by Kayla Velasquez on Unsplashkaylavelasquez6Xjl5Xq4g4unsplash.jpg

The focus was on other things. The focus was to steal, to consolidate power, to silence the critics and dissent and to rule in fear as democracy turned into fascism and liberty lost.

I had hoped it was fake news but we are now living in the upside down world where right is wrong and wrong is right and enabled.

Welcome to the tragedy.

A short piece of my dismay on how COVID 19 was handled in my country by our inept and corrupted administration. I am angry because fake news drowned out the voices of people, the real people as the propaganda machine went full swing.

My country is now in the top 20 countries in the world that had the most cases of Covid 19 and dog has an approval rating of 91%. More than 300,000 cases, longest lockdown and 45% of the workforce lost their jobs and still at 91%.

Dafuq is wrong with the world.


It is a sad, sad state of affairs and regrettably more and more sheep are championing a near skeleton of a man.

sigh yes and it is worrisome as we are all being drowned out by the noise of bots, AI and troll farms.

You're right about that.