How to know if someone is extremely envious of you

in Freewriters2 years ago

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing great!

Envy can be subtle and sometimes not so subtle, but one thing is for sure; there will always be someone looking at you thinking your grass is greener than theirs. It's even worse when you have something or have achieved something that they don't feel they can do.

These people are not very happy and cannot stand to see someone else rise and be happy. They usually suffer from some kind of inferiority complex, which leads them to desire what others have. Of course, jealousy and envy are not abnormal in themselves.

While most people overcome these feelings, some can't get past them, causing problems for themselves and the person they envy, and sometimes even completely ruining a relationship through their behavior.

So let's take a look at some signs of someone who is extremely envious or jealous of you!

It diminishes your achievements:
People who suffer from low self-esteem, that general feeling of not being good enough, tend to view the achievements or successes of others as a threat. As a result, they try to push these people out of their way and minimize their achievements. This is a way for them to build themselves up. An envious person will never recognize what you do well. In fact, they will minimize your accomplishments and anything you are proud of. Instead of congratulating you on your successes, they try to ignore them and make you think it's no big deal.

They speak ill of you:
Expecting an envious person to speak well of you to others? Forget it. If this person will talk about you, it won't be something nice. And they seem to love starting and spreading rumors, whether they are true or not. And they will also embarrass or shame you at every opportunity.

They are extremely competitive with you:
Envious people challenge you and do everything they can to try to outdo you. They want to show that they are better than you, even if they are not in the same league. These people fight hard and do everything in their power to be right or to win. They are willing to lie, cheat, do anything. The goal is to make you feel weak and inferior. This person knows they can't be like you, so they try to compete to prove to themselves and others that they are better than you.

They are constantly criticizing you:
No matter how hard you've worked to achieve a goal or how skilled you are, an envious person will only envy you because you have qualities that they feel they lack. Therefore, they will always see you as an inferior person who just happened to be lucky. And they will do everything to let you know this by criticizing and nitpicking everything you do! They may even compare you to others. They will put you down, only to enjoy a sense of superiority.

They give false compliments:
Because jealousy and envy are usually the result of low self-esteem or negative self-perception, people who envy you tend to use sarcasm to mask their true feelings. They aren't even capable of giving you a real compliment, for goodness sake. Sure, they'll try to compliment you to mask their deplorable behavior, but you shouldn't expect much, and it won't be sincere. It will be a kind of cleverly disguised insult.

They steal your thunder:
The last thing an envious person wants to see is you in the spotlight. Seeing you full of confidence and getting all the attention drives them crazy. They absolutely can't stand it. These feelings are driven by their inability to recognize and rejoice in the strengths of others. They can't even stand to hear about the success of others. And because of this, they can't appreciate when others praise you or when you are happy. So they will do everything they can to sabotage your special moment.

They are too curious:
Envious people always have their nose in your business. They keep a close eye on everything that happens in your life. It's as if they need to know everything that's going on with you, even if you're barely in contact with them. And it's not because they care so much about your well-being. They will dig for information about you, even if it means contacting your friends. Of course, what they are really looking for is gossip about you, so they can use it against you or just to make themselves feel better.

They start arguing with you:
When you try to have a conversation about something with an envious person, they will sneak in different topics to try to prove you wrong somehow. Often the topics are not even relevant, and somehow they always make sure the conversation ends in an argument. These people are also known as energy vampires. They are frustrated with their own lives, and since they can't imagine anyone being in a better situation than they are, they suck all the positive energy out of you, leaving you exactly where they want you.

They brag about your mistakes:
Since envious people don't really have any notable accomplishments, they have a hard time praising others. These kinds of toxic people thrive on seeing others struggle or screw up. Make a mistake or suffer a loss of any kind, and they will pounce on you to point out and amplify your mistake. Again, just to make themselves feel better.

They give you bad advice on purpose:
You've probably already figured this out. You won't get any useful, well-intentioned advice from someone who envies you. After all, their goal is to see you fail. And since they don't want to see you succeed in life, they will sabotage your efforts. In fact, they'll do anything to make sure you don't get what you want. They will even make you doubt your decisions and yourself. There will always be envious people around you, and the more you accomplish, the more they will interfere with your life.

But now that you know the signs that someone is jealous or envious of you, you can easily spot them and get them out of your life, or at least keep them at bay.

Thank you for reading.
See you soon in a future article. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

My name is Redouane. I am a coach and entrepreneur in love with life. My mission is to guide you in transforming your inner world in order to transform your life.

Every day, I share inspiration with you. I share my reflections and introspection phases to help you regain full power over your life, make room for more love and harmony.

Every day, live more consciously. Get to know yourself and finally embody your truth. Together, let us unfold our power, awaken our consciousness, quiet our minds and transform our lives. Together, let's blossom today.
