La última jarra de café. Mensaje diario de 5 minutos: Fatal || The last pot of coffee. Daily 5-minute message: Fatal [ESP/ENG]

in Freewriters3 years ago


Hay días buenos, y otros no tanto, hoy no sé, digan ustedes cómo lo llamarían.

Tengo cierto afán de limpiar a profundidad, cambiar cosas de lugar y renovar, hoy limpie la cocina y aproveché de cambiar los tres envases emblemáticos de toda cocina: café, azúcar y sal.

El café ya estaba por terminarse, de hecho en casa quedarse sin café es fatal, todo el mundo se pone mal, si no hay.

En la tarde decidí preparar un café con leche, con el poquito de café que quedaba, ya al día siguiente saldría temprano a comprar café; habíamos comprado un pan delicioso y ésta sería la merienda perfecta.


Serví mi café con leche con un toque de vainilla, y cuando me dispongo a tomar mi primer sorbo, mi hija que ya había mojado su primer trocito de pan en el preciado líquido, puso una cara de desagrado y me dice: -¡mamá!, éste café esta salado...

Me quedé muda, solo pensando... que locura, hasta yo me confundí con el pote de azúcar y el de sal.

Está es mi participación en Spanish Freewrite del 8 de octubre 2021.


Fuente de imágenes


There are good days, and others not so good, today I don't know, tell me what you would call it.

Today I cleaned the kitchen and took the opportunity to change the three emblematic containers of every kitchen: coffee, sugar and salt.

The coffee was about to run out, in fact at home running out of coffee is fatal, everyone gets sick if there is none.

In the afternoon I decided to prepare a coffee with milk, with the little bit of coffee that was left, the next day I would go out early to buy coffee; we had bought a delicious bread and this would be the perfect snack.


I served my coffee with milk with a touch of vanilla, and when I was about to take my first sip, my daughter, who had already dipped her first piece of bread in the precious liquid, made a face of displeasure and told me: "Mom, this coffee is salty...".

I was speechless, just thinking... how crazy, even I got confused with the pot of sugar and the pot of salt.

This is my participation in Spanish Freewrite on October 8, 2021.


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