Time Is Ticking | An Entity Not Comprehensible

in Freewriters4 years ago


Time an entity, which is far away from the Human understanding. As mortals in this world, we understand time by the second's hand on the clock.

But time is much more than that. Time kills us slowly. It deteriorates our body. Times changes our thoughts and actions. Time is an Invisible poison.

Before it finally kills us,lets know about time and how we can make use of it?

It's something I cannot comprehend. 1 hour of physics lecture seems like it never ending, but one hour with your love partner seems like few minutes. A exciting game of football of 90 mins played by your favorite teams, is on flash forward.

How is that possible? Its the same 90 mins, as it is for the rest of the world, but at that moment, you feel time is moving fast. While I am watching my favorite game, someone in university is dreading in a physics class, cause for him the time is moving slow.

I gave it a thought. Perception of time depends on the your present moment. The more present you are the more time moves faster.

Example, while with your love partner, your totally involved in her talks or you have dived deep into her eyes. Your totally present. Time is at its top speed.

In a physics class, you have every other thought in the world,other than physics. Time is traveling like a car in a 10 kmph zone.

The answer to beat time, is to stare time right in the eyes. It is to use every second, staring at the present moment, as seconds tick and tick.

Time is a limited edition and anything limited addition is priceless. Example The Mona Lisa. This makes time precious, and guess what, we all have our unique limited edition of time.

We all have limited amount of time to use our limited edition time. So we need to make sure that we use it and make the best out of the experience.

We have 24 hours in a day, we may sleep for 8 hours. 16 whole hours is left for us to do, what we love, for us to enjoy with our loved ones, to shower love to our partners and most importantly to make a difference.

Since our time on this planet is limited, we need to respect it also, even if it's a slow poison, but thats inevitable, what we can do is, make a gem of the situation.

We have to respect time and make sure your peers and loved one's do also. Time is limited and time wasted is time thrown into oblivion. Its not coming back, nor it can be created again. Its just is.

How would you feel? If you throw money onto the ocean, money is limited and its not coming back.

While you give your due to other's time, make sure and make it point to let them know, they need to do the same.

Time is precious my friends. Time is money and time is greater than money. If you have time you can use money.

Model your time in such a way, it instead of poisoning you, lift you to be a better you.

The Great Michael Jordan said something wonderful about time
He Said " I never lost a game, I just ran out of time"

Even the greats know the value of time.

Whats your perception of time? Let me know in the comment section.



Good read! :)

I written something about time before in On Achieving Goals. I always felt time as something fluid and it goes past us taking a bit of us, until none is left but to die.

People say to me, "Why are you in a hurry?" and I can understand them why they are living like immortals, postponing things thinking they have the luxury to do it in the next time.


I read your post. Just wow! I aim to be a writer like you, the words you use and sentence formation, just the thought on each line is beautiful.
"I feel time as I pass through it, like a gentle wind brushing unto my skin" Well thought of.

There people who say to me constantly "Chill bro. Chill bro". Yes! relaxing is important, but not to an extent of procrastination. That you postpone your actions towards your goal. You said it right.

Thank You! After reading your post, I feel honored that you said mine was a good read.

I'm glad we share the same sentiments in life. Keep on going @mrsahil99! Keep on achieving your goals in life. :)

Thank you so much!
I wish you the same!

Time is precious, money can be earned but time can never be. But we have a tendency to not value time as much as money maybe because we dont have to work for it.
In the end everyone is behind financial freedom so that they can have time in their hands to do whatever they want.
Great post bro!

Well said bro! Time is something we need to value.

Thank You!