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RE: That girl on the old blue bicycle - Day 1454: 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

I had two Maine Coons. Fabulous cats. This guy let me pet his belly, which neither of my other two will allow. I roughed him up a little and he seemed to like it. My kind of cat!

Romeo is very happy there. He has long term friends too. When the vet let Romeo and a few others out, he jumped for joy and started playing with the others. I worry that I would be ruining his life to bring him here. He's clearly happy.

Also, a staff person there told me that the vet has never considered adopting him out to others who have wanted him, so even if I do decide I want him, it's a long shot. At least the vet came here (to put Jimmy down), saw my digs, and knows how much I would love him. Maybe that would be in my favor.


Well, if Romeo is happy in his little cage, ok... but I would be happy knowing you had another Maine Coon in your life. Who wouldn't want one. (Uh, my husband.)

I will love Romeo from afar. :)