Esposas - [ESP/ENG]

in Freewriterslast year



Este artefacto sirve en muchas ocasiones para controlar una situación irregular que esté sucediendo o haya sucedido. Los que la porten pueden ver que sus movimientos de los manos y brazos han sido reducidos. Las esposas son más comunes en utilidad para retener a los delincuentes, para controlar situaciones que puedan salirse de control. Un delincuente sentado con esposas que suelen ir en la espalda con brazos cruzados le retiene el hecho de escaparse, cuesta mucho levantase con esposas sin perder el equilibrio.

Algunos experimentados lo hacen incluso hasta se liberan, pero son años de aprensiones y liberaciones, no se aprende de la noche a la mañana. Este experimento se puede simular en casa, lo he hecho y me ha costado, pero poco a poco he ido mejorando, no hace falta esposas, solo sentarse en el suelo, colocar las manos de tras y cruzadas e intentar levantarse sin mover las manos de atrás ni soltarlas.

Este ejercicio sirve para practicar el equilibrio como muchos otros. Algunas personas usan las esposas para grabar videos y subirlo a las redes sociales. No veo que este mal, pero no es el fin de las esposas. Recuerdo haber visto un video donde una pareja se esposó y querían viajar en un avión con dicho artefacto, obviamente no pudieron, estos explicaron que era par un video, pero los cuerpos de seguridad le dijeron que no era ningún chiste.

O se la quitaban y se deshacían de ellas o los detenían de verdad, al final tuvieron que quitárselas y entregárselas a los guardias de seguridad y viajar, al llegar al destino fueron a un negocio asiático a comprar otras para cumplir con el reto y tener video, algo que la gente a veces no piensa es que puede ser peligroso así sea para un simple video, hazlo en tu casa y ya.


This device is often used to control an irregular situation that is happening or has happened. The wearers can see that their hand and arm movements have been reduced. Handcuffs are most commonly used to restrain offenders, to control situations that may get out of control. An offender sitting in handcuffs, usually on his back with his arms crossed, is restrained from escaping, and it is difficult to get up in handcuffs without losing his balance.

Some experienced ones do it and even get free, but it takes years of apprehensions and releases, you don't learn overnight. This experiment can be simulated at home, I have done it and it has cost me, but little by little I have been improving, no handcuffs are needed, just sit on the floor, place your hands behind and crossed and try to get up without moving your hands back or release them.

This exercise serves to practice balance like many others. Some people use the handcuffs to record videos and upload them to social networks. I don't see that this is wrong, but it is not the purpose of handcuffs. I remember seeing a video where a couple handcuffed themselves and wanted to travel on a plane with such a device, obviously they could not, they explained that it was for a video, but the security forces told them that it was not a joke.

Either they took them off and got rid of them or they were really arrested, in the end they had to take them off and give them to the security guards and travel, when they arrived at the destination they went to an Asian business to buy others to meet the challenge and have video, something that people sometimes do not think is that it can be dangerous even for a simple video, do it at home and that's it.