Problemas de internet / Internet trouble - [ESP-ENG]

in Freewriters2 years ago



Recuerdo cuando venían en tiempos de mundial de futbol un álbum de colección que le decíamos el álbum panini. Era un álbum de colección de barajitas o cartas con pegamento detrás. Lo mejor era comprar los sobres con 5 cartas que traían. Pero había quienes compraban la caja que traían un monto de sobres y llenaban el álbum en poco tiempo. Lo divertido era coleccionar las barajitas y llevarlas al colegio para intercambiarlas por otras que nos faltaban.

Eran tiempos muy buenos, era divertido como se creaba un mercado entre los coleccionistas que recuerdo que las barajitas más difíciles de conseguir eran las copas mundiales y algunos escudos de los países. Algunas barajitas salían excesivamente, pero igual a alguien le faltaba y se le intercambiaba. Recuerdo que en un papel anotaba las que me hacían falta para intercambiarlas en el recreo.

Existen también otro tipo de álbum de colección, los que crea uno para guardar y conservar objetos que consideramos como historia y que pueden servir para mostrárselos a nuestros nietos que quizás muchas cosas antiguas hoy en día no existan. Esto por lo menos aquí en casa, la abuela que en paz descansa, le gustaba coleccionar, de hecho, hay un álbum de tarjetas y estampillas que ella le gustaba coleccionar para mostrármelo, pero lamentablemente no lo puede conseguir para subir la foto.

Muchas cosas que la abuela tenía de colección hemos querido conservarlo en el tiempo, pero hemos tenido problemas de internet, porque muchos videos y fotos pesan mucho y cuesta subirlo, algunos quedan por la mitad y nuevamente se tiene que poner a cargar, también es necesario crearse varios correos para subir todo e inmortalizar esos momentos para seguir mostrándolo por varias generaciones.


I remember when during the World Cup they used to have a collection album that we called the Panini album. It was a collection album of cards with glue on the back. The best thing to do was to buy the envelopes with 5 cards. But there were those who bought the box with a lot of envelopes and filled the album in a short time. The fun part was to collect the cards and take them to school to exchange them for others that were missing.

Those were very good times, it was funny how a market was created among the collectors and I remember that the most difficult cards to get were the World Cups and some of the countries' shields. Some cards were excessively expensive, but someone was missing them and they were exchanged. I remember that I used to write down on a piece of paper the ones I was missing to exchange them at recess.

There is also another type of collection album, those that one creates to save and preserve objects that we consider as history and that can be used to show them to our grandchildren that perhaps many old things do not exist today. This at least here at home, Grandma who rests in peace, liked to collect, in fact, there is an album of cards and stamps that she liked to collect to show me, but unfortunately she can't get it to upload the photo.

Many things that grandma had as a collection we have wanted to preserve it over time, but we have had internet troubles, because many videos and photos are very heavy and hard to upload, some are left in the middle and again you have to put to load, it is also necessary to create several emails to upload everything and immortalize those moments to continue showing it for several generations.