The suspect

I don't feel too well lately and try to hang in. I wake up in time and do a bit of house chorus. Cleaning up, flushing the toilet, filling buckets with water, putting the kettle on and soaking my feet in a hot tub with almond soap. The soap smelled a bit weird. I noticed some soaps do, just like shampoo, body lotion and perfume once the bottle is open.

I bought some new socks months ago and they arrived yesterday. Let's say it was a waste of money. I hoped they kept my feet warm but they did not. Not in the daytime and not in bed which is understandable if you see them but at the same time it's disappointing.

AliExpress waste of money

Although I keep myself busy my day goes slow and it feels more like killing time. I kill time in between being dizzy and "hot flashes" and the only thing I am grateful for is I do not faint and end in a coma for several hours. At least miserable me can keep her children company during homeschooling. I prepare their breakfast, their drinks and cooked dinner but in between I collapse. I am out of energy from one moment to the next and I do not have a good reason for it, not one that I can mention. Long before my children I go to bed.

It's nearly two years ago I was taken to hospital. At that time the specialist's suspect was my hormones were low, my kidneys, heart plus other organs were at their end because of the use of prednisone but it all looked fine or at least better than expected.

After a chat I had with someone about the quality of tap water and mineral water I wonder if those doctors missed something. Perhaps they did the wrong tests and I do have a high need for...(?) after a life of prednisone (no idea what or if I can fill the lack myself) but it's worth studying the labels of mineral water since dehydrated me needs to drink 24/7 and water with a high level of minerals is always cheaper than buying pills and I have no intention to go back to hospital.


This is my entry to the daily 5-minute free-write. The prompt 'suspect' is provided by @mariannewest
Free writers hive-161155


When I was having a hot flash I was at a store and a woman came up to me and handed me a note, she said take these and it will end the hot flashes. I was willing to try anything and after taking them for a month the hot flashes went away and I have never had them again. You get these in the vitamin aisle at the store, Flaxseed oil, Primrose oil, and black cohosh. They are in pill form. Take them as directed on the bottles. When my sister was having the hot flashes I told her to get these and hers also stopped. Good luck.

I already take flaxseed and more... All food that should fool the body make it think it's fake hormones. Soy, beans, peas should help too just like avoid stress and keep it easy. If you ask me it's worse if I keep it easy. So far no luck or perhaps I have malaria after all.
Two you took all three at the same time?

yes I took all three at the same time. And I took them like the bottle says to take, I forget it was 2 or 3 times a day.