When Everyone is to Blame

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)



Five of them stood around the playground looking guilty, shifting feet and glanced at one another while staring at the broken playground equipment. No one knew who to blame. Sure, they are husky boys, but who knew piling on to one slide would topple it to the ground?

James spoke first. "I'll never get out of the house this summer if Dad finds out."

Martin, the smallest, looked at the others while picking at his fingernails.
"I...I..can't ttt..tell my Grampa. He'll send me back ttt..to to my D..d..aaad."

Even Billy felt bad for Martin. Everyone remembered his black eyes last time he went home to his Dad's.

Lois wandered over to the fence and kicked it a few times, hard. He had a low voice already at twelve years old and was tall with more muscle than his friends. His head sported an unruly red halo of curly hair that touched his shirt collar.

"Ehhh, I don't have nuthin' to lose, hell, I'm already grounded for the whole damn summer."

Tim patted down his jacket looking for smokes. He liked to look tough and smoke his mom's stolen cigarettes. He drew out a crumpled pack and let out a curse.
"The last one broke! Don't it figure!"

Lois started towards the school door with a determined stride.
"I got this guys, go on home."

The boys looked one to another in surprise and after a minute's hesitation fell into step behind Lois.

"All for one and one for all," they said together as the entered the principle's office door.

This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt who to blame hosted by @mariannewest

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