The Remote Firebomb

in Freewriters2 years ago


Heat radiated off of the furnace, the flames curing the steel of Nip’s newest invention. A small orb packed full of enchanted powder, which when exposed to a particular incantation, explodes into a fireball. Nip came up with a rudimentary version of the device, named the remote firebomb, during a particularly difficult siege of a supposedly abandoned mansion.

      When completed, the Buccaneers wanted the first batch. Despite its mimicry of a higher-level spell, fireball, the firebomb could be detonated by a novice spellcaster, one capable of conjuring the barest minimum of flames. It was precisely for this reason, that Nip knew she had struck gold.

      Pulling the first ball from the fires, Nip quenched it in the cool water trough, and placed it on the nearby anvil. She experienced a moment of bliss while handling the simple device. The enchanted powder required a particularly powerful mage to create, but a large batch could be enchanted in minutes. Using a small scoop, Nip shovelled out a suitable volume of powder from a sack of previously enchanted material. With great precision, Nip filled the device’s eyehole with the powder, before sealing it with a twistable cap. It was the size of a golf ball, and about as heavy as a cricket ball.

      Taking the finished product outside, Nip prepared to give it its first test run. A straw dummy, set-up for testing magical weaponry, sat alone in the centre of a dirt circle. Nip kissed the firebomb and placed it at the dummy’s feet. Retreating to a sensible distance, Nip recited the incantation.

      A horrific shrill cry emanated from the ball. It vibrated viciously, and finally, with a cough, it stopped.

      A dud.

Today's prompt: bliss

This week's worldbuilding prompt: inventions

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