
in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

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Like a salt, never to be drown in water,
although made from water,
relevance is meant to be preserved.
That you're made from the ground,
should be the motivation never to stay on the ground

Like a light, never to be overshadowed by darkness,
though brought out of darkness,
relevance is meant to be kept
That your background is low,
shouldn't put you back to the ground

Like a voice, never to be swallowed,
though brought out from deep within,
relevance should be maintained
That you're brought out of the hiding place,
shouldn't mean you should go back hiding

Relevance is as important as existence
and it's preservation is crucial
You can be relevant and lose it
but it's advisable never to lose your relevance,
because it's the spice to life

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Beautiful and great poem, very motivating for many people, it made me reach out because it is so, of earth we are but we should not be on the ground, thanks for this great piece ♥

I'm always happy to share and I appreciate your contribution to this. Thank you so much.

Relevance, a word that indicates firmness in height.


my pen doesn't bleed, it speaks with speed and ease

This would be so good for a rap line

Hahahaha I wouldn't mind.